Results of planned open surgical interventions for the primary chronic vein disease during pregnancy using the components of the fast track surgery protocol


  • V. M. Аntonyuk-kysil Public Enterprise “Regional Perinatal Center” of Rivne Regional Council



routine open surgery, FAST TRACK surgery protocol, multidisciplinary approach


The aim of the work: to study results of planned surgical interventions due to primary chronic vein disease during pregnancy using the components of the FAST TRACK surgery protocol.

Materials and Methods. 457 pregnant women underwent routine open surgery in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters with primary symptomatic chronic vein disease, C2S-4s Er, As, p, Pr (CEAP 2002) using components of the FAST TRACK surgery protocol.

Results and Discussion. All patients used a multidisciplinary approach to managing patients throughout their pregnancy with hospitalization to a specialized obstetric hospital to perform surgery, which in 92.3 % of patients was performed on the day of admission on the background of perinatal psychotherapy training of the surgeon. The surgery was performed by a vascular surgeon - the so-called "mono-technologist" or "obstetric vascular surgeon" for optimal pregnancy. Due to these factors, 97.2% of the operated patients had a positive clinical effect with 100 % absence of all operated complications from the fetus and mother. Scheduled surgery did not cause preterm delivery, did not complicate the course of pregnancy in the postoperative and postpartum periods. All children were born on time and in satisfactory condition.


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How to Cite

Аntonyuk-kysil V. M. (2020). Results of planned open surgical interventions for the primary chronic vein disease during pregnancy using the components of the fast track surgery protocol. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 86–95.

