Effect of direct current electric field on the rate of wound epithelization in patients with diabetic foot syndrome


  • S. O. Yakobchuk Bukovinian State Medical University
  • A. H. Iftodiy Bukovinian State Medical University
  • V. K. Grodetskyi Bukovinian State Medical University
  • V. D. Fundiur Bukovinian State Medical University
  • O. Y. Khomko Bukovinian State Medical University




diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndrome, purulent-necrotic process, wound, galvanization


The aim of the work: to study the development of wound process in dynamics by means of examination of impression smear from the wounds of patients with diabetic foot syndrome by means of Pokrovska-Makarova method, planimetric examination by means of L. M. Popova method in case of treatment by traditional methods combined with galvanization of an afflicted lower limb and application of interstitial Berlithion electrophoresis.

Materials and Methods. 113 patients with complicated forms of diabetic foot syndrome were examined and treated. Group 1 of patients underwent a traditional course of treatment, whereas a complex of treatment measures was complemented with galvanization of the affected lower extremity for the patients of group 2 at an early stage of the postoperative period. The patients of group 3 were additionally treated with local interstitial electrophoresis of Berlithion during an early stage of the postoperative period. A control over the dynamics of the wound process was carried out by means of estimating wound impression smears.

Results and Discussion. A comparison of the rate of the transition of the cytological picture of impression smears from the inflammatory type to the regenerative, regenerative-inflammatory and finally to the regenerative types demonstrated that these processes among patients of 1st group occurred, on an average, during 20 days, among patients of the group 2 during 16 days and group 3 – during 14 days. Reducing the area of injury in patients of group 1 is ≈ 1 % per day, patients in group 2 – 2 %, followed by – 2.1–2.2 % per day and patients in group 3 speed up wound area reduction on an average 3 %. Therefore, under effect of direct current of electric field an inflammatory type of cytogram was found mainly from the 3–4 to 7–8th days compared with the control group, where these phenomena were found from the 3-4 to the 11–12th days. Approximately similar dynamics was found in case of ISEP action with Berlithion. When the wound process is passed into the second phase which is evidenced by the appearance of inflammatory impression smear, the rate of regeneration appeared to be the highest in the group of patients who received interstitial electrophoresis with Berlithion.


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How to Cite

Yakobchuk, S. O., Iftodiy, A. H., Grodetskyi, V. K., Fundiur, V. D., & Khomko, O. Y. (2020). Effect of direct current electric field on the rate of wound epithelization in patients with diabetic foot syndrome . Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (1), 58–61. https://doi.org/10.11603/2414-4533.2020.1.10739

