Reconstructive plastic surgery after neck wounds


  • M. Yu. Sizy V. Zaitsev Institute of General Emergency Surgery
  • V. V. Makarov V. Zaitsev Institute of General Emergency Surgery
  • O. M. Shevchenko V. Zaitsev Institute of General Emergency Surgery
  • V. M. Lykhman V. Zaitsev Institute of General Emergency Surgery



neck injuries, reconstructive plastic surgery, microsurgical interventions


The aim of the work: to increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of injured after neck injuries through the use of reconstructive plastic surgery.

Materials and Methods. The results of reconstructive plastic surgery in patients after neck injuries were analyzed. Intervention was performed in both men and women in the same age group from 41 years to 50 years. Only in 82 patients local tissue repair and microsurgical tissue autotransplantation were performed.

Results and Discussion. Each of the methods has an independent value: local tissue repair in its various versions eliminates small defects in area with minimal loss in the donor area, and in turn, the use of microsurgical tissue autotransplantation technique allows achieving good anatomical and functional results with large and deep soft neck defects. Assessing the results of surgical treatment of patients, it was noted that in most cases a good final result (86.6 %) was achieved – in 71 patients among 82. However, 11 patients received an unsatisfactory result, which amounted to 13.4 % of all patients who various methods of replacing soft tissue defects of the neck after wounds were applied.


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How to Cite

Sizy, M. Y., Makarov, V. V., Shevchenko, O. M., & Lykhman, V. M. (2019). Reconstructive plastic surgery after neck wounds. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 62–67.

