Comparative evaluation of the results of surgical treatment of varicocele


  • A. M. Shamsiev Samarkand State Medical Institute. Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Sh. A. Yusupov Samarkand State Medical Institute. Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • N. D. Kodirov Samarkand State Medical Institute. Samarkand, Uzbekistan



varicocele, diagnosis, treatment, Ivanissevich operation, Palomo operation, Marmara operation, antegrade endovascular sclerotherapy, complication


The aim of the work: to improve the surgical treatment of varicocele via enhancing surgical tactics.

Materials and Methods. The study included the results of the treatment of 376 patients with left-sided varicocele who were admitted to the Urology Department of the Clinic No.2 of the Samarkand State Medical Institute. Depending on the method of surgical intervention, 2 groups of patients were identified. In 2005–2010 181 patients underwent conventional surgical interventions (Ivanissevich or Pаlomo operations), which made up the comparison group. From 2011 to 2018 195 patients underwent subinguinal selective surgeries (antegrade endovascular sclerotherapy of the left-sided testicular vein (LTV) and Marmara surgery), which were included in the main group.

Results and Discussion. Compared with 2005–2010 the incidence of postoperative complications decreased from 12.7 to 2.6 %, i.e. almost 5 times lower in the main group. Antegrade angiosclerotherapy of LTV is easier for patients compared to traditional operations and this operation is economically advantageous, it reduces the length of hospital stay in comparison with other surgical interventions.


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How to Cite

Shamsiev, A. M., Yusupov, S. A., & Kodirov, N. D. (2019). Comparative evaluation of the results of surgical treatment of varicocele. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (3), 3–12.

