The influence of different models of immobilization stress on functional changes in the heart of high- and low-resistance to acute hypoxic hypoxia rats of different sex


  • O. V. Denefil I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • Iu. M. Ordynskyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



immobilization stress, rats, resistance to hypoxia, ECG


The aim of the work: to determine the effect of different models of immobilization stress on changes in electrocardiogram (ECG) in male and female rats with high and low resistance to hypoxia (HR, LR).

Materials and Methods. 135 rats were taken into the experiment. Animals were divided into three groups – control and two experimental (which experienced immobilization stress). Stress was modeled 4 times by one-hour mild immobilization of rats with the back down, at intervals of 24 hours (stress 1) and 72 hours (stress 2). The studies were performed 24 hours after the last immobilization. In all experimental animals ECG was recorded.

Results and Discussion. In the analysis of ECG indices in rats, slight changes in the duration and amplitude of the waves and intervals were noted. Thus, when comparing groups of control LR and HR males did not show reliable indicators on the ECG. Similarly, there was no significant difference between the ECGs studied in the HR and LR female rats. Stress 1 resulted to decrease in the deviation of the ST segment from the isoline compared with controls HR male rats and HR female rats. In LR female rats the heart rate increased, the duration of the RR interval and the QTc were decreased. The HR male rats compare to HR female rats, had smaller R wave amplitude. Stress 2, compared to the control, leads to increase the R wave amplitude in the HR male rats. In HR female rat, comparing to LR, the deviation of the ST segment from the isoline was higher; in LR female rats the heart rate increased, the duration of the RR interval, the duration and amplitude of the P wave, the duration of the QT and QTc interval were decreased. In HR female rats, compared to LR female rats was a longer QT interval. After stress 2, it was found that the HR male rats, compared to females, had a larger amplitude of the R wave and deviation of the ST segment from the isoline. LR male rats had a longer QT interval compared to LR female rats.


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How to Cite

Denefil, O. V., & Ordynskyi, I. M. (2019). The influence of different models of immobilization stress on functional changes in the heart of high- and low-resistance to acute hypoxic hypoxia rats of different sex. Hospital Surgery. Journal Named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk, (2), 60–64.

