Activity of catalase and superroxide dismutase on the basis of experimental ischemical reperfusion injury of limb
ischemic-reperfusion syndrome, kidney, trauma, blood loss, haemostatic tourniquet, catalase, superoxide dismutaseAbstract
The aim of the work: to determine the dynamics of superoxide dismutase and renal catalase activity against the background of modifications of ischemic reperfusion injury (IRI).
Materials and Methods. In the experiment 210 non-linear white male rats aged 5–5.5 months were used. The dynamics of the activity of antioxidant enzymes (catalase (Kat), superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the kidney tissue in conditions of modifications of IRI modifications were investigated). The tissue samples were taken 24 hours, 3, 7, 14 days – animals were sacrificed from experiment on the basis of thiopental-sodium anesthesia (40 mg/kg of body weight intraperitoneally by total bleeding from the heart.
Results and Discussion. In our IRI models, Kat level was basically reduced in each experiment period. SOD activity peak was observed in 1, 3 days, and its suppression (for the most groups in 3-rd day) after the experimental IRI – according to the modifications of the severity of the injury. Thus, the use of a haemostatic tourniquet in combination with loss of blood and mechanical trauma caused most significant damage to the antioxidant system of the kidneys. In this case, even a one-time use of the tourniquet caused similar wave-like reactions. In general, the development of IRI is accompanied by a strong inhibition of the antioxidant system of the kidney.
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