


medicines, development efficiency, development order, marketing approach, innovative process, innovative product portfolio


The aim of the work. Research the influence of marketing approach components to the pharmaceutical enterprise innovative product portfolio management on the results and economic efficiency of generic medicines developments.

Materials and Methods. As materials, we used reports of scientific-research works carried out on the medicines development, reporting data of OJSC CPF “Red Star” for the 1999–2000 period about medicines production and marketing, scientific publications, individual investigations and results of medicines produced by “Morion” company retail market monitoring; as methods: theoretical and practical materials systematization, marketing analysis, comparative and economic methods, descriptive generalization method. This work is retrospective.

Results and Discussion. It was studied the materials on the marketing approach to the innovative product portfolio management improvement in the generic medicines development by pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprise (PME). It was analyzed a complex approach for the enterprise innovative product policy implementation and the product portfolio management. It was singled out marketing components and their use in complex technological process of generic medicines development, putting into production and taking to the market. The economic efficiency research has been conducted on the example of the pilled generic medicines of Diclofenak, Drotaverin, Piroxycam, Gioxyson ointment, which were simultaneously introduced into production. It was analyzed production and economic indicators of 24 product series manufacturing for 18 months. It was determined that according to the market demand more than 70 % of new products were the pills Diclofenak 0.05 g, the profitability of which amounted to 88.04 %. It was found out a low profitability (14.19 %) of the pills No-Kru-sha 0.04 g. Two medicines turned out to be not self-sustainable during the investigation period: pills No-Kru-sha 0.04 g and Gioxyson ointment 15 g. From the time of putting into production and taking to the market for 18 months, which were analyzed, it was returned all the costs invested and received more than a million hryvnia of additional income. Thus, the income earned by the pills Diclofenak 0.05 g amounted to 96.47 %.

Conclusions. The essence and expediency of a comprehensive marketing approach to managing product projects for the drugs development have been generalized. The block diagram of the model for improving the product project management for the drugs development based on a marketing approach has been developed. The report materials of the manufacturer and the firm-developer concerning the simultaneous implementation of several innovative product portfolio individual projects for the development and launching of generic drugs on the market have been analyzed. The expediency and economic efficiency of using the marketing approach in the priority formation in the planning of the phased individual product projects implementation have been substantiated. The calculations have shown that the marketing approach allows to increase the product projects efficiency and to make a significant use of the self-financing and refinancing principles.

Author Biographies

M. M. Slobodyanyuk, National University of Pharmacy

DS, professor, professor of the pharmaceutical marketing and management department

O. S. Samborskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

PhD, associate professor of the organization and economics of pharmacy and drug technology department

L. M. Havryshchuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

assistant, assistant of the organization and economy of pharmacy and drug technology department


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How to Cite

Slobodyanyuk, M. M., Samborskyi, O. S., & Havryshchuk, L. M. (2019). MARKETING APPROACH TO THE IMPROVING OF A PHARMACEUTICAL ENTERPRISE INNOVATIVE PRODUCT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (1), 88–96.



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics