cerium dioxide nanoparticles, photoprotective action, photodynamic injury, screening, guinea pigs.Abstract
The aim of the work. The screening study of the action of the test samples of creams with cerium dioxide nanoparticles (CDN) on the model of photodynamic injury in guinea pigs with determination of the lead-sample with optimal CDN contents in the formulation for further in-depth pharmacological study of the cream.
Materials and Methods. Standardized CDN of 6–15 nm in size were synthesized in TOV ‘NanoMedTech’, the test samples of creams were developed under the guidance of professor M. O. Liapunov. Photodynamic injury was induced by UV emitter. The creams were applied preventively in the dose of 2 mg/cm2. The degree of erythema intensity as the main inflammation marker was evaluated in dynamics according to S. V. Suvorov colorimetric scale, the photoprotective action (PPA) was measured then. An ability of the creams to prevent an inflammatory process was determined by the changes in skin temperature, blood leukocyte count, and blood histamine level.
Results and Discussion. The CDN 0.25 % cream showed the highest photoprotective action according to the studied indices: PPA was the highest among all the test samples and comprised 43.6%. A single application of the cream lead to normalization of skin temperature and blood histamine level, leukocytosis was 17.4 % less pronounced than in radiation-exposed control animals.
Conclusion. According to the screening results, the CDN 0.25 % cream was proved to be the lead-sample and was recommended as an ultimate composition of the formulation for further in-depth pharmacological study.References
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