ischemic stroke, antiplatelet drugs, social pharmacy.Abstract
The aim of the work. Situational analysis of the nomenclature of registered antiplatelet drugs (APD) in Ukraine, their product and price conditions, and also economic availability.
Materials and Methods. Data from the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine, information from the website "Pharmacy". The price liquidity ratio (Kliq) and the cost of defined daily dose (DDD) were calculated, and the retail cost of Clopidogrel trade names as the part of state program "Available drugs" was analyzed.
Results and Discussion. The situational analysis of the product condition of APD established 32 registered trade names (TN) of mono preparations and 2 TN of combined medicines of Clopidogrel; 22 mono preparations and 4 combined drugs of Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA); 1 TN of Ticlopidine and 1 TN of Triflusal. The maximum cost of DDD (more than 20 UAH) is typical for 2 TN of Clopidogrel and 1 TN of Triflusal. The minimum cost of DDD (less than 2 UAH) is characteristic for almost 90 % ofASATN, as well as for 5 Clopidogrel TN. The Kliq for 4 Clopidogrel TN, 10 ASA TN, TN Ticlopidine and Triflusal was less than 0.15; for 20 drugs of Clopidogrel and 4 drugs of ASA – was within the range of 0.15 – 0.49, and for 5 ASA TN was higher than 0.5. It was found that the register of drugs, the cost of which is subject to reimbursement (within the government program "Available drugs"), includes 23 TN of Clopidogrel. The percentage of payment to the full amount for package of medicine varies from 0 to 49.5 %.
Conclusions. It was established that at the time of the study, the total APD condition consisted from 62 TN of medicines. It was revealed that among APD the most economically affordable are ASA TN, because for more than half of them the cost of DDD is less than 1 UAH. Low economic availability is typical of 2 Clopidogrel TN (Plavix and Koplavix), as well as Triflusal TN (Disgren). Analysis of the values of the liquidity ratio of the prices showed that at the time of research, prices for most APD were correct in relation to consumers; and high price competition is inherent in 5 drugs of ASA. Within the government program "Available medicines" patients can receive 1 Clopidogrel TN free of charge, for 19 TN 61.9 % – 98.9 % of their costs are reimbursed, and for 3 TN consumers must pay about half of their cost.References
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