
  • O. V. Kryvoviaz M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University



primary open-angle glaucoma, antiglaucoma medicines, expert evaluation, formulary and insurance lists


Introduction. In the conditions of constantly growing needs of the population in high-quality medical and pharmaceutical aid, the establishment of formulary system (FS) remains an effective balance between the cost for providing patients with medicinal products (MP) and limited resources of health care. Using FS gains particular importance in the health-care system in case of treatment of patients with chronic diseases, including those with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Introduction of FS in practice of physicians and pharmacists also makes possible to optimize the process of purchase and administration of antiglaucoma medicines (AGM) for treatment of subject patients.

The method of MPs expert evaluation is widely used in organizational and economic studies in pharmacy and healthcare. This method allows determining the actual attitude of healthcare specialists to efficacy and administration of medicines for treatment of certain pathologies. In the progress of processing a list of prescribed MPs, we have considered knowledge of the most qualified professionals with significant work experience. The ways to optimize a pharmaceutical servicing of patients, including drawing up formularies, have been developed on the grounds of the experts` opinion.

Therefore, the purpose of our work was to develop organizational and economic measures concerning recommendations on inclusion of S01E MPs "Antiglaucoma medicines and miotics", used for treatment of patients with POAG, to the drug formulary list (DFL) using method of expert evaluation.

Materials and methods. We have conducted a questionnaire survey of 280 medical specialists (ophthalmologists and general practitioners – family doctors) in Vinnytsia and Dnipropetrovsk regions of Ukraine, whose theoretical knowledge and practical experience allowed them to arrange comprehensive analysis of the range of medicines, used for treatment of patients with POAG, and to provide expert opinion of the current situation by the degree of satisfaction with these medicines and to point out factors that influence consumption and demand in antiglaucoma drugs in Ukraine. Using this method we developed the questionnaire "Expert evaluation of medicines used for treatment of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma", compiled according to standard requirements.

Results and discussion. The group of high expediency to formulary lists included 9 AGMs (AZARGA eye drops 5 ml in vials-droppers “Droptainer” № 1 produced by Alcon Couvreur, Belgium, AZOPT eye drops 10 mg/ml 5 ml in vials-droppers “Droptainer” № 1 produced by Alcon Couvreur, Belgium, ARUTIMOL eye drops, solution 2.5 mg/ml 5 ml in vials-droppers, 1 vial in the box produced by Dr. Gerhard Mann, Chem.-pharm. Fabric GmbH, Germany, LANOTAN eye drops 0.05 mg/ml 2.5 ml in vials with dropper № 1 produced by Farmak, Ukraine, LANOTAN T eye drops solution 2.5 ml in vial № 1 produced by Farmak, Ukraine, OFTAN TIMOLOL eye drops 0.5% 5 ml in vials with dropper №1 in the box produced by Santen, Finland, OFTIMOL eye drops 5 mg/ml 5 ml or 10 ml in vial, 1 vial in the box produced by Farmak, Ukraine, TAFLOTAN eye drops 15 mcg/ml 2.5 ml in vial № 1 produced by Santen, Finland, Santen Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Siga-Plant, Japan, TIMOLOL eye drops 0.5% 5 ml in vials № 1 produced by Elegant India, India), representing 29.03% of the total drugs included in the questionnaire. The group of medium expediency included 13 medicines (41.94% of the nomenclature): GANFORT eye drops 3.0 ml in vial-dropper № 1 produced Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ireland, Ireland, DORZAMED eye drops, solution 2% 5 ml in vial-dropper produced by C.O. “Rompharm company S.R.L.”, Romania, DUOTRAV eye drops 2.5 ml in vial-dropper № 1 produced by Alcon Couvreur, Belgium, XALAKOM eye drops 2.5 ml in vials №1 in the box produced by Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium NV, Belgium, XALATAN eye drops, solution 0.005 % 2.5 ml in polyethylene vial №1 in the box produced by Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium NV, Belgium, CUSIMOLOL eye drops 0.5% 5 ml in vial-dropper № 1 produced by Alcon Cusi, S.A., Spain, LATANOX eye drops, solution 0.005 % 2.5 ml in vial-dropper № 1 produced by Jadran Halen Laboratory d.d., Croatia, NORMATIN eye drops 0.5 % 5 ml in vials-droppers № 1 produced by E.I.P.I.Co., Egypt, TIMOLOL–DARNYTSIA eye drops, solution 2.5 mg/ml 5 ml or 10 ml in vials № 1 produced by Darnytsia, Ukraine, TIMOLOL–BIOPHARMA eye drops 0.25 % 5 ml or 10 ml in vials № 1 produced by Biopharma, Kyiv, Ukraine, TRAVATAN eye drops, 40 mcg/ml 2.5 ml in vial-dropper №1 in the box produced by Alcon Couvreur, Belgium, FOTIL eye drops 5 ml in vial-dropper № 1 produced by Santen AT, Finland, FOTIL FORTE eye drops 5 ml in vial-dropper № 1 produced by Santen AT, Finland. Other 9 medicines presented low expediency of inclusion to the DFL and IL.

The analysis of questionnaires filled in by medical ophthalmology specialists shows that the major factor for determining the expediency of inclusion of antiglaucoma medicines in DFL and IL is the criterion of efficacy and non-presentation of side effects, while the price of a drug has a least impact on making a decision.

Conclusions. We have developed organizational and economic measures concerning recommendations on inclusion AGMPs to the DFL and IL. We have established that the group with high and medium expediency of inclusion to the lists consists of 22 trade names of AGMs (70.97 % of analyzed nomenclature), whose average evaluation performance ranged from 11.77 to 13.33 points.

Author Biography

O. V. Kryvoviaz, M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University

M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University


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How to Cite

Kryvoviaz, O. V. (2016). EXPERT EVALUATION OF MEDICINES FROM S01E PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP «ANTIGLAUCOMA MEDICINES AND MIOTICS». Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (3), 32–38.



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics