marketing research, preparations based on herbal raw material, pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and PolandAbstract
Introduction. In modern clinical medicine, the role of herbal medicine as a complementary method is constantly becoming more and more important. First of all, it can be explained by low toxicity and biological safety for the body of most herbal remedies, as well as a number of specific features of their pharmacological activity. In Ukraine, for the past three years a number of programs aimed at import-substituting of the drugs were established. The current program presupposes that imported drugs which have been present at the domestic pharmaceutical market for many years and have lost patent protection must be replaced from the position of economical feasibility by domestic products.
Since Ukraine has enough companies that produce drugs based on plant raw material and sufficient raw materials basis, the most effective solution on import-substituting is the production of domestic medicines based on the plant raw material in the full cycle. Moreover, the experience of Poland, which increases the production of herbal medicines, may be of interest to Ukrainian drugs producers.
Investigation methods. For the obtaining of information the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine and Poland of January 2016 was used. The assortment of drugs based on the plant raw material was analyzed according to ATC classification, country of manufacturer, the number of active pharmaceutical ingredients, order of delivery and dosage form. In the course of the study methods of information retrieval, statistical, mathematical, methods and the synthesis and analysis were used.
Results and discussion. The analysis of the assortment of drugs from plant raw material according to ATC classification showed that the Polish market has the largest amount of drugs under the code N «Drugs for the treatment of the diseases of nervous system" – 37 % and C «Drugs for the treatment of the diseases of cardiovascular system" – 18 %, while at the Ukrainian market these figures are 14 % each.
The study defines that the domestic market of medicines based on plant raw materials represents 39 % of foreign drugs, while at the Polish market 10 % less of drugs belong to this group. In general, foreign medicines based on the plant raw materials are delivered to the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine by 178 manufacturers from 38 countries. At the same time, to the pharmaceutical market in Poland, foreign drugs based on plant raw materials are delivered only from 11 producing countries. As to the domestic drugs, their part is 61 % of the total number of registered drugs based on plant raw materials at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, while similar products at the Polish market occupy 71 %. In Ukraine, mono-drugs prevail, their part is 58 %. However, the Polish market of such preparations is significantly bigger – 84 %. The part of combined drugs is only 42 % and 16 % respectively.
As to the order of delivery, in Ukraine 88 % of the analyzed drugs belong of OTC drugs, and 12 % belong to prescription drugs. The Polish pharmaceutical market consists of 27 % prescription and 69 % non-prescription drugs. It is interesting to note that 4 % of medicines based on the plant raw material, registered at the Polish market, are used only in hospitals. Most drugs at both markets are dispensed in the form of tablets.
Conclusions. A comparative study of drugs based on the plant raw material presented at the pharmaceutical markets of Ukraine and Poland is conducted. The assortment of drugs is analyzed according to the manufacturing country, the number of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the order of delivery, dosage form and ATC classification.
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