
  • L. V. Lenchyk Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • A. H. Kotov
  • V. S. Kyslychenko




L.V. Lenchyk1, A. G. Kotov2, V. S.Kyslychenko1

1NationalUniversity of Pharmacy

2Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines


Summary. Analysis of the use of fresh and dried bird cherry fruit, showed that the raw material is promising, but its potential inUkraine is not fully used, partly due to the lack of appropriate standards for fresh raw materials. Comparative analysis of the monographs of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Belarus and the USSR State Pharmacopoeia XI edition was carried out and approaches for the development of projects of monographs “Bird cherry fruit dry” and “Bird cherry fruit fresh” in SPU were determined in accordance with modern requirements for standardization of medicinal plants raw material.

Key words: bird cherry, fruits, the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine.


Introduction. Nowadays European market of herbal remedies is one of the largest in the world. And the quality of medicinal plant material (MPM) and herbal remedies manufactured inUkraine must meet its requirements. Harmonization of requirements for quality and safety of medicines is the main focus in the development of standards and creation of pharmacopoeia monographs in the world [10, 16].

InUkrainebird cherry occurs almost throughout. The fruit may be harvested in Zakarpattia, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv,Sumyregions [1, 11, 13].

They contain carbohydrates, vitamins, anthocyanins, phenolic compounds; amygdalin and fatty oil are found in seeds [9, 12, 14]. Among anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-rutinosid and cyanidin -3-glucoside are identified in the bird cherry fruit [2, 12, 18, 19].

In scientific medicine this plant is used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory product. Fresh juice is used for wound healing, by recent in vitro studies anticancer effect of bird cherry fruit extract was determined at a dose of 100 mkg / ml [9, 14, 15, 17, 19]. Puree of fresh bird cherry fruit is recommended against cold and for improvement of vision [13, 19].

Materials and methods

We analyzed the approaches to standardization of cherry fruit in State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR XI edition, State Pharmacopoeia of theRussian Federation, State Pharmacopoeia of theRepublicofBelarus[3-5]. The analysis was conducted by the following criteria: title, definitions, requirements for the content of bioactive substances, identification of macro- and microscopic features, indexes, method for quantitative determination.

Results and discussion

So there were found differences in approaches to standardization of cherry fruit in analyzed Pharmacopoeias. We consider it appropriate to include in the project of the SPU monograph raw material name Padi fructus as one that meets modern requirements for the title of the SPU monograph.

Microscopic characteristic and identification of anthocyanin by the TLC should also be added in the identification part.

Quantitative determination of biologically active compounds should be performed according to the content of tannins for dried material, but by spectrophotometry as a more modern, precise and generally accepted in the SPU.

In addition, we consider it necessary to develop and to include in SPU monograph "Bird cherry fruit fresh" taking to consideration the experience of EPh on the creation of monograph for fresh raw plant material and inexhaustible potential for development phytoremedies from fresh bird cherry fruit.

Conclusions. Analysis of the use of bird cherry fruit fresh and dried found that the raw material is promising, but its potential is not fully used inUkraine, partly due to the lack of appropriate standards for fresh raw materials. The study of modern quality requirements for MPM showed the need to establish national monographs on bird cherry fruit dried and fresh, which must comply with the EP and SPU.


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Author Biographies

L. V. Lenchyk, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Department of Pharmacy of Institute of Postgraduate Education, PhD in Chemistry, Assistant Professor

V. S. Kyslychenko





How to Cite

Lenchyk, L. V., Kotov, A. H., & Kyslychenko, V. S. (2016). BIRD CHERRY FRUIT - PROSPECTIVE RAW MATERIAL FOR THE PREPARATION OF UKRAINIAN PHARMACOPOEIA MONOGRAPH. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (2), 75–79.


