
  • M. S. Ponomarenko P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv
  • A. V. Kabachna P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv
  • A. S. Soloviov P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv
  • S. V. Auhunas P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv
  • V. O. Boryshchuk P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv



pharmacy, pharmacy family, family pharmacist (pharmacist), a general practitioner - family medicine, the range of drugs, primary care, clinical protocols, protocols pharmacist, family medicine clinics, medical software.


Introduction.  Now in Ukraine, mortality has increased in several times due to the fact of absence of a well-defined system of medical supplies based on the principles of evidential medicine. Improvement of the patient medicinal treatment presupposes reformation family and general pharmacies and enhancing the efficiency of range of medicines according to the protocols approved by the Ministry of Health, used by pharmaceutical sales representative (pharmacist) and unified clinical care delivery service.

This investigation is dedicated to the analysis of the pharmaceutical sales representative’s (pharmacist’s) protocols, and unified clinical care delivery protocols in accordance with the current regulatory framework with the further creation of necessary range of medicines for family and general pharmacies, which will be able to carry out medical supplies for the institutions of family medicine while providing primarily health care.

Investigation methods. The investigations were realized through the regularization of the projects, statements, principles and rules of the family pharmacy units’ activity, medicine in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Methodological strategy is based on the evidential medicine, medicine itself, valid statistics and alternative formulae.

Results and discussion. The analysis indicates that currently, in 27 regions of Ukraine, with the exception of AR Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the city of Sevastopol, as of 01.01.2016 2073 family ambulance stations are functioning in the cities, villages and urban settlements; the total sum of the assigned population  serving the mentioned ambulance stations amounts to 12234471 persons, the number of the pharmacies that serve institutions of family medicine stood at 48 city pharmacies, 8 village pharmacies and 8 urban settlements pharmacies.

Pharmaceutical sales representative’s (Pharmacist’s) protocols for selling the over-the-counter medicine are compound of 34 diseases that belong to the International Classification of Diseases code – 10. Pursuant to the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 28 September 2012 No. 751 “On the creation and implementation of the medical and technological standardization of the medical care documentation in the system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” were elaborated 56 Orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine which approved: medical care unified clinical protocols – 95; medical care standards – 5; adapted clinical directives recommended as a source of the best clinical practice – 67. Nonetheless, in Ukraine there is no regulatory or stipulated factor that provides legal entitlement of the role, place and importance of family pharmacy.

Having reviewed the number of ambulance stations and population that is managed by the latter, and operating general pharmacies located in the cities, villages and urban settlements, that provide them with medicines, arises the feasibility of creation of legal framework for the functioning of the specialized family pharmacies according to a regulatory criterion of quantitative and name range of medicines that will correspond either to the medical activity carried out by a family doctor, and medical care benefit from the family pharmaceutical sales representative (pharmacist) in accordance with the unified medical care and pharmaceutical sales representative's protocols.

Conclusions. For the further development and effective functioning of family pharmacy institutions, it is feasible to create regulatory ordered factors for the functioning of the specialized family pharmacy pharmaceutical units, re-organize pharmacies of the general type that serve institutions of family medicine into pharmacies of family medicine for its timely, constant, affordable and qualitative medical maintenance of the population resided on the territory of a functioning family pharmacy unit.

Creation of necessary regulatory range of medicines for the specialized family and general pharmacies that will serve institutions of family medicine and population assigned to the latter.

Author Biographies

M. S. Ponomarenko, P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

A. V. Kabachna, P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

A. S. Soloviov, P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

S. V. Auhunas, P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

V. O. Boryshchuk, P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv

P. Shupuk National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Ponomarenko, M. S., Kabachna, A. V., Soloviov, A. S., Auhunas, S. V., & Boryshchuk, V. O. (2016). SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO CREATING THE NECESSARY RANGE OF MEDICINES FOR FAMILY PHARMACY AND PHARMACY OF COMMON TYPE OF INSTITUTIONS OF FAMILY MEDICINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (2), 54–60.



Organization of pharmaceutical structures’ work