
  • M. Yu. Zolotaikina Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • L. M. Sira
  • T. M. Hontova




M. Yu. Zolotaikina, L. M. Sira, T. M. Hontova

National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv

Introduction. Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) is a perennial poisonous plant with a strong specific smell. As weeds, it can be found alongside the roads and railway embankments, nearby the living quarters, in the crops and on the footpaths, on the disposal tips.

Our former researches allow us study the herb of tansy as a prospective medicinal plant raw material (MPRM). On purpose is to provide the morphological and anatomic investigationof herb, collected in different regions ofUkraine, to define macro- and microscopic diagnostic signs of organs for tansy herb identification.

Research methods.Ground parts collected in the phase of the beginning and the middle of blossom, dried and fixed in the mixture of alcohol – glycerine – water (1:1:1). Micropreparations were made and studied according to generally accepted techniques. The microscopes РВ-3320 and РВ-2610 and a camera Samsung PL50 were used.

Results and discussion. The macro- and microscopic study of tansy herb, collected during the blossom period in different parts ofUkraine, was conducted. Development of the analytical normative documentation.Commonly used techniques of microtechnical analysis.The macro- and microscopic investigation of tansy (TanacetumVulgare) herb collected during its blossom period on the territory of different regions ofUkraine has been conducted. The diagnostic signs of the stem, leaves, components of the parts of calathides have been determined with a view to further development of the native analytical normative documentation for the plant raw material “TanacetumVulgare Herb”. A specific sign of all the organs is the presence of 2-6 articulated covering hairs and globular, distichous, 2-3 lined ester oil glands. The stem composition varies from bundle-like to inconstant, the leaf blade is dorsoventral. Among the parenchyma of the common calathides bed there are lysogenic reservoirs. The envelope leaves are scarious with covering hairs, the central vein is strengthened with sclerenchymial fibers. The stomas of leaves and envelope leaves are anomosious, surrounded by 4-6 cells with prominent creases of the cuticle. The flowers are covered with the epidermis with numerous glands. The cells on the edge of the corolla prones embody a thick layer of creasy cuticle. The cells of the lower part embody tiny drusesfor «Tansy (TanacetumVulgare) Herb».

Conclusions: The morphological anatomic structure of the ground vegetative organs of tansy, inflorescence and its parts were studied. The following microscopic diagnostic signs of home-land raw material were identified:

• The epidermis of all organs with simple 4-6 – articulated integumentary hairs like a caterpillar and globular, double-row, 2-3 – storeyed ester oil glands.

• The structure of stem varies from bunch-like to transitive, ribbed protrutions filled with angular collenchyma, well-defined endoderm and the collar of pericyclic sclerenchyma, amongst the principal parenchyma schizogenous secretory receptacles. The leaves structure is dorsoventral, the sellings are anomocyte.

• Common bed of baskets is replete, amongst the parenchyma there are a lot of minor elements of xylem and there are lysigenicous receptacles. The envelope leaves are scarious at the edges, with integumentary hairs, the sellings are anomocyte, circled with 4-6 cells with well-marked lines of the cuticle. Under the epidermis and around the central vein the sclerenchymal fibers are thickened and lignificated.

• The flowers are covered with the epidermis with numerous glands. The cells on the edge of the denses of the crown with a thick layer of folded cuticle. Thin-walled isodiametric epidermal cells of the lower part of the tube, on the edge with the embryo there are small druses.

The results of the carried out research affirm the necessity of the further analysis tansy raw material quality features, namely identifying the qualitative composition and quantitative contents of biologically active substances (BAS) for the development of the normative documentation for the given raw material.


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Author Biography

M. Yu. Zolotaikina, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Department of Pharmacy of Institute of Postgraduate Education, PhD in Chemistry, Assistant Professor



How to Cite

Zolotaikina, M. Y., Sira, L. M., & Hontova, T. M. (2016). MORPHOLOGICAL ANATOMICAL SIGNS OF THE OVERGROUND ORGANS OF TANSY (TANACETUM VULGARE). Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (1), 23–29.



Phytochemical researches