
  • А. V. Kaydalovа Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • О. V. Posylkina




Theoretical and methodological approaches to the evaluation of the quality of higher education WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF the world's higher education institutions ratingS

А. V. Kaydalovа, О. V. Posylkina

National pharmaceutical University,Kharkov

Summary: In the article we have reviewed the world rankings of the higher education institutions; principles and methodology of ratings, their key indicators, the indices of ranking the higher education institutions and their role in assessing the quality of education.

Keywords: quality of education, world rankings of the higher education institutions, indicating indices in determining ratings, criteria for evaluation of the quality level.


The question of the participation of local educational institutions, including medical and pharmaceutical ones,  in the world rankings is regarded as a serious problem during the recent years, which is widely discussed inUkraine.

At the present stage of development of the higher education the ratings of HEI turn to be seen not only as a means of competitiveness, but also as instruments of assurance of the higher educational quality.

To form the national system of ranking of the universities, including medical and pharmaceutical profile, it is important to analyze the international experience of building different ratings.

In the system of providing and evaluating the quality of education, the internal and external monitoring of the university plays an important role. If the internal monitoring - is an assessment by the university of its own activity, the external monitoring - is an assessment of the quality of education by the state, society and the educational environment.

The aim of this publication is to analyze the methodology of forming global university rankings of the universities, formulation of guidelines and indicators of ranking, the study of the specificity of the external evaluation of the quality of education to strengthen the international domestic medical and pharmaceutical universities that train future specialists in the pharmaceutical field.

Results and discussion.

Analysis of foreign experience has highlighted that the processes of formation, development and improvement of the world educational systems have been developing in different ways at the international level.

In scientific sources it is noted that the European system of the quality of education is based on the standards and recommendations, the principles of which are: the interest of students and employers in the quality of education, autonomy of institutions, internal and external quality of assurance of educational services [3, 5, 11].

It should be noted that the history of the world university ranking was absent up to the eighties. This was due to the lack of competition, both in domestic and foreign educational space. The first step in conducting the external evaluation of the university was the publication by the magazine US News & World Report in 1983 the first in the world ranking of universities, which launched the process of globalization of the higher education. The main purpose of this rating was to provide applicants with information.

In aspects of the studing problem it has been found out that for the time being there are more than 50 national and over 10 international ratings for the evaluation of universities [1, 8]. The aim of international ratings is to determine the best universities in the world and evaluation of their activities, but each rating involves the use of its own indices to determine the competitive potential in the universities.

During our research we have analyzed the most famous and internationally recognized the global systems of monitoring and ranking of universities and compiled a chronology of the world rankings and summarized their main quantitative characteristics.

According to the analysis of the official sources [12-25] it has been found out that the world university rankings have both general trends and significant differences. Common principles of ratings are the following ones: consideration of different indicators with their further grouping due to the validity coefficients, which are determined in each rating individually and also principles of ranking of universities without taking into account their scientific and educational activities.


The results of the research methodology and the formation of the international ratings of higher educational institutions showed, first of all, the multiplicity of approaches to assessing the quality of education, variety of criteria for assessing the quality of education, lack of scientifically validated studies of indicators ranking.

To ensure quality at the national level and the University level, including pharmaceutical and medical profile, the formation of certain ratings to assess the activities of domestic universities, which requires further research methodology of domestic and national rankings of various countries based on the experience of the world rankings and the use of the most important indicators in the construction of the system of internal monitoring of the activities of the university.


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Author Biography

А. V. Kaydalovа, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Department of Pharmacy of Institute of Postgraduate Education, PhD in Chemistry, Assistant Professor



How to Cite

Kaydalovа А. V., & Posylkina О. V. (2016). ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ОЦІНЮВАННЯ ЯКОСТІ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ В КОНТЕКСТІ СВІТОВИХ РЕЙТИНГІВ ВИЩИХ НАВЧАЛЬНИХ ЗАКЛАДІВ. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2015.4.5562



Pharmaceutical education