
  • O. B. Kalushka Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • A. V. Sokolovska
  • T. A. Hroshovyi





O.B.Kalushka, A. V. Sokolovska,  T. A. Hroshovyi

I. Ya.HorbachevskyiTernopilStateMedicalUniversity

Abstract: The article presents the results of the research on the range of infusion solutions at the pharmaceutical market ofUkraine. The comparison of the registered infusion solutions is presented. In the paper the position ofUkraine and foreign countries as producers as to the amount of the infusion solutions at Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is analyzed.

Key words: infusion solutions, infusion therapy, plasma substitutes, blood substitutes, parenteral nutrition, peritoneal dialysis.

Introduction. Infusion therapy is the branch of medical science which deals with the management of body functions by means of purposeful influence on the morphologic content and physiological properties of blood. Infusion therapy changed methods of treatment of many nosologies including dermatologic and psychic illnesses [1, 2, 3]. Modern infusion therapy is a powerful means of treatment of many patients who suffer from losses or pathologic changes of important and sometimes vital functions of the organism. Only at intravenous injection of the medicine its biocompatibility is 100%. Besides, this way of drugs introduction allows using doses which are accurately correspondent to the proper result as well as minimizing individual differences in reactions on the medicine [7, 8, 9].

Due to the evaluation of WHO, annually 8-12 billion injections are being carried out worldwide, 1 billion of which are done to children during the vaccination. It is defined that the average person undergoes from 0,9 to 8,5 injections per year (in average – 1,5) [10]. It is known that1 literof infusion solutions should fall onto one citizen of the country.  

Methods of Research. The Research of State Register of Infusion Solutions, the methods of informational search, generalization and analysis are used.

Results and Discussion. On 01st of February, 2015, 219 of trade brand names of infusion solutions taking into account dosage forms were registered inUkraine [6].

Analysis of infusion solutions registration data showed that the biggest specific gravity in the structure of the brand names of medicinal drugs fur infusion therapy have solutions which include electrolytes and preparations of hydroxyethyl starch.

At the present moment the infusion solutions of 31 manufacturers (among which 16 are Ukrainian (52 %) and 15 of foreign ones (48 %)), are available at the pharmaceutical market ofUkraine.

Actually,Ukraineis the leader of the quantity of infusion solutions at the domestic pharmaceutical market.

         Among the home producers the first positions in the production of infusion solutions take such enterprises as: Closed Joint-Stock Company “Yuriya-Farm”, “Infusiia”, Limited Liability Company “Novofarm-Biosyntez”.

Closed Joint-Stock Company “Yuriya-Farm” produces 31 trade items, “Infusiia” – 22 ones, Limited Liability Company “Novofarm-Biosyntez”.

Ukrainian pharmaceutical market proposes wide range of countries-manufacturers of infusion solutions [12]. Almost half of the assortment of foreign infusion solutions comprises the solutions fromIndia. The great share falls to the infusions produced byGermany. Besides, the market proposes infusion solutions made byAustria,Serbia,Switzerland,Bulgary,SpainandSlovenia.

For particularization of the pharmaceutical market the following groups of infusion solutions are analyzed: deintoxicating, plasma substitutes, solutions for parenteral nutrition and electrolyte solutions.            

         The leader in the quantity of brand names of plasma substitutes and deintoxicating solutions isGermany(Berlin Chemie Producer) – 5 brand names.

         The distribution of the registered solutions for parenteral nutrition at pharmaceutical market ofUkraineshowed that the leader due to the number of the brand names isGermany– 9 brand names, as well as the solutions made byAustria– 5 ones.

The leader in the number of brand names of the registered electrolytes isGermany(Berlin Chemie Producer) – 5 brand names. The leading companies among the Unrainian manufacturers are Closed Joint-Stock Company “Yuriya-Farm” and “Infusiia” which are producing 4 products.

Conclusions. The analysis of the range of infusion solutions according to the producers shows that the home producers supply the pharmaceutical market ofUkraine mainly with the medicine which include little amount of non-organic ions or their combinations with carbohydrates. The fulfillment of different categories of the ill with the vitally important infusion solutions as medicine for parental nutrition of amino acid and lipid structure and solutions for peritoneal dialysis depends on the foreign manufacturers. At the pharmaceutical market the leader in the number of infusion solutions producers isUkraine. Among the home manufacturers the first places belong to such enterprises as Closed Joint-Stock Company “Yuriya-Farm”, “Infusiia”, Limited Liability Company “Novofarm-Biosyntez”. The range of the export infusion solusions at Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is comprised by the solutions made byIndia as well asGermany. First positions due to the number of the registered infusion solutions of foreign production fall to Alkon Parenterals (India) and Eurolife Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. (India).


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Author Biography

O. B. Kalushka, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Department of Pharmacy of Institute of Postgraduate Education, PhD in Chemistry, Assistant Professor



How to Cite

Kalushka, O. B., Sokolovska, A. V., & Hroshovyi, T. A. (2016). ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ІНФУЗІЙНИХ РОЗЧИНІВ НА УКРАЇНСЬКОМУ ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧНОМУ РИНКУ. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2015.4.5556



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics