pharmaceutical education, didactics of pharmaceutical informatics, pharmaceutical care, medical care, electronic prescription, computer pharmaceutical knowledge basesAbstract
The aim of the work. A systematic аnalysis of the integration of research results in “Pharmaceutical Informatics” with pharmaceutical curricula to implement the Law of Ukraine “On Medicines”.
Materials and Methods. Using a systematic approach, structural-logical, structural-functional, content analysis and bibliosemantic method, the research is integrally studied: components of curricula of basic and specialized training in “Pharmaceutical Informatics”; scientific and educational methodological support for the implementation of the discipline; published results of theoretical and experimental studies in pharmaceutical informatics, objectively necessary for its didactic support.
Results and Discussion. The didactics of “Pharmaceutical Informatics” for the period 1978–2024 is systematically considered. Based on the analysis of curricula, scientific, methodological and educational support of the postgraduate stage of training, it is proved that the development of didactics of the discipline is associated with the progress of its methodology and improvement of computer technologies.
The system of basic integrative theoretical and practical training of pharmaceutical informatics specialists and their subsequent specialization focused on pharmaceutical care in health care practice, developed by the author, is presented in detail.
Conclusions. “Pharmaceutical Informatics” solve the problematic issues of digital healthcare. The author's ideology of the concept of “scientific school of pharmaceutical informatics” includes the development of the methodology of pharmaceutical informatics as a scientific discipline and a system of structural thematic training at the undergraduate and postgraduate stages of study at a higher school of pharmacy to perform professional tasks in health care.
The optimal methodology of pharmaceutical didactics, which corresponds to the modern theory of “Pharmaceutical Informatics” and health care practice, is based on the use of computer technologies to obtain scientific knowledge, which is necessary for the effective implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Medicines”, has been developed.
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