Portulaca grandiflora, herb, seed, macroscopic investigation, microscopic investigationAbstract
The aim of the work. To investigate the morphological and anatomical structure of the aboveground part of Moss Rose (Portulaca grandiflora Hook.).
Materials and Methods. The herb of the Moss Rose was used as object of the study. The transverse sections of the stem and leaf, epidermis of leaf in the lower and upper part, flower fragments, seeds were used for the macro- and microscopic analysis. The microscope Granum N-180 M (eyepiece EW10X/20, lenses ×10/0.25, ×40/0.65, ×100/1.25) with photographic attachment DC 1300 was used to conduct the microanalysis.
Results and Discussion. The macroscopic features of Portulaca grandiflora herb were determined such as size, types of leaf base, presence petiole and characteristics of lamina (apex, base, margin, shape), types and structure of flowers, characteristics of stem (size, shape, surface and branching) and seeds (shape, size, surface). According to the results of microscopic analysis the following were found: the wall of basal epidermal cells of leaf blade with deep notches, the stomata of the paracytic type are well distributed in both epidermises but they are more often on the upper one; the cells of the epidermis of the stem with rectangular shape, with distinct cuticle; the cells of the core are parenchymal, thin-walled, dense, with druses of calcium oxalate and mucus; the vascular bundles are collateral and closed; the seed surface cells are isodiametric with convex papillary body and short rounded outgrowths; the petal epidermal cells are elongated, straight-walled and thin-walled; the pistil elements are covered with simple trichomes.
Conclusions. The obtained results will be used for the development of normative documentation on the Moss Rose herb raw materials.
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