brand, educational service, analysis, tools, higher educational institutionAbstract
The aim of the work. To analyze the brand forming tools of educational services at the National University of Pharmacy in the key areas of awareness about the University.
Materials and Methods. Scientific data and normative documents on the brand forming tools of University educational services, questionnaires of respondents (applicants for higher education and school graduates); theoretical (analysis of scientific literature, generalization, classification, analytical, comparative and logical) and empirical (description, comparison) methods have been used, methods of brand research: psych semantic, directed associations, personification; construction of positioning map.
Results and Discussion. In a competitive environment in the educational field, a significant factor for a university in its existence on the market is compliance with the consumers’ expectations of educational services, therefore, brands come to the foreground, since consumers are largely attracted by the emotions they generate.
Based on the results of summarizing the scientific literature data, the directions of the brand forming tools analysis of educational services have been determined. The first stage of the analysis has been the study of the corporate symbols role in creating a brand of educational services. The second stage – to study the features of the influence of the NUPh website on the creation of the educational services brand. The third stage – to study of the influence of the rating indicators on the brand formation of the NUPh educational service. The fourth stage – to form a positioning map, individualization and brand identity of the NUPh educational service.
The analyzed tools and the developed maps have made it possible to identify "points of parity" (associations that are not unique, but which must be possessed in a competitive environment) and "points of differentiation" (attributes or advantages of an educational service brand that consumers firmly associate with it, positively evaluate and believe that other brands do not have them). Based on the analysis of the brand forming tools of the NUPh educational service, it has been noted that there is a significant potential of the University in the direction of awareness of it.
Conclusions. As a result of the study, it has been concluded that the positioning of the educational services brand makes it possible to identify the place of the University among competitors, to determine the set of needs for educational services and their perception by consumers.
The role of corporate symbols in the creation of the NUPh educational services brand has been investigated. The role and the possibility of obtaining information by applicants about the NUPh from the University's website have been determined.
The place of the NUPh in the ratings has been analyzed and their influence on the brand formation of the NUPh educational services has been determined. A map of positioning, individualization and brand identity of the NUPh educational service has been built.
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