dry walnut leaf extract, dry nettle extract, dry thyme extract, gel, non-allergic contact dermatitis, skin diseasesAbstract
The aim of the work. The study aimed to select the optimal composition of the combined gel based on dry extracts of walnut leaves, nettle, and creeping thyme for the treatment of skin diseases and the study of its pharmacological properties in models of inflammation of different genesis.
Materials and Methods. At the first stage, the anti-inflammatory activity of the combined gel samples was determined in a model of acute thermal paw inflammation in mice. Studies of the pharmacological activity of the most effective samples identified in the previous experiment were performed on a model of non-allergic contact dermatitis, the comparison drug was ointment "Woundeheal", manufactured by "AIM" (Kharkiv, Ukraine).
Results and Discussion. In the model of thermal inflammation of the paw in mice, it was found that the greatest anti-inflammatory activity has TS No. 4 with walnut leaf extract with the number of tannins in terms of gallic acid and dry matter 35 mg/100 g gel, nettle extract with the number of hydroxycinnamic acids in terms for chlorogenic acid and dry matter 20 mg/100 g of gel, thyme extract dry with the number of flavonoids in terms of rutin and dry matter 30 mg/100 g of gel, which is more effective than TS with individual plant components No. 1, 2, 3 and TS No. 5 and 6, in which the content of dry extracts was doubled and tripled, respectively.
The activity of TS No. 4 was at the level of 80 %, TS No. 5 and 6 showed anti-inflammatory activity at the level of 73 % and 71 %.
In the model of non-allergic contact dermatitis in rats, modeled with 2.5 % solution of 2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene, TS No. 4 showed a pronounced efficacy, which was confirmed by a decrease in clinical signs of non-allergic contact dermatitis: reduced edema, skin lesion intensity, and white blood cell count. The efficiency of TS No. 4 was not inferior to the comparison drug ointment "Woundeheal" and prevailed over monocomponent samples No. 1, 2, 3.
Conclusions. Studies prove the feasibility of combining biologically active substances of walnut leaves, nettle, and thyme extracts in the phytocomplex, which results in synergism and enhancement of the pharmacological properties of individual components.
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