



anemia, antianemic drugs, pharmaceutical market, assortment


The aim of the work: analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market of medicines for the treatment of anemia, taking into account all forms of production and manufacturers.

Materials and methods. The study of the assortment of antianemic agents was conducted in accordance with the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine and the classification of ATC using mathematical-statistical, system-analytical and comparative methods of analysis.

Results and discussion. The study shows that 76 names of antianemic drugs are registered on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, 39,47 % of which are iron-containing drugs. The origin of antianemic agents was also assessed, as it is important where the holder of the product license for the medicine is based. The ratio of domestic and foreign origin of antianemic drugs is 46 % and 54 % with a predominance of foreign suppliers. Antianemic drugs are supplied to the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market from 13 different countries.

Conclusions. The analysis of registered antianemic drugs showed that the range is dominated by monocomponent drugs (84,21%) and there is a shortage of combined drugs. This indicates the feasibility of expanding the range of combined drugs to optimize the pharmacotherapy of patients with anemia.

Author Biographies

А. О. Palamar, Bukovinian State Medical University

PhD (Pharmacy), Assistant of the Pharmacy Department

A. A. Kliuiko, Bukovinian State Medical University

teacher of college

N. M. Palibroda, Bukovinian State Medical University

PhD (Medicine), Associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases

N. S. Bogdan, Bukovinian State Medical University

PhD (Pharmacy), Assistant of the Pharmacy Department

O. Yu. Tkachuk, Bukovinian State Medical University

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate professor of the Department of Pharmacy

О. S. Shpychak, National University of Pharmacy

DSc (Pharmacy), Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy and Economy, Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists (IATPS)


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How to Cite

Palamar А. О., Kliuiko, A. A., Palibroda, N. M., Bogdan, N. S., Tkachuk, O. Y., & Shpychak О. S. (2020). OVERVIEW OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET OF ANTIANEMIC MEDICATIONS IN UKRAINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4), 47–53. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2020.4.11646



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics