


pharmaceutical law, pharmaceutical legislation, system of law, legislation system, a subject of legal regulation, method of legal regulation, medical law, system of pharmaceutical law, pharmaceutical law concept


The aim of the work. To determine the position of pharmaceutical law in the legal system of Ukraine, analyze its subject, method, and system based on general theoretical developments about the field of law and legislation.

Materials and Methods. The research is based on the study of scientific and educational literature, legal acts. The methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, system-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal, and interpretation of the legal norm are used.

Results and Discussion. It is established that in domestic specialized literature there is an insufficient number of works devoted to the study of the legal nature of pharmaceutical law. The discussion of this problem is more actively carried out by foreign scientists than by Ukrainian ones. It is noteworthy that today there is no unified approach to understanding the subject and method of pharmaceutical law. These issues are sometimes covered in general theoretical works as a part of scientific discussion about the possibility of the existence of complex branches of law in the legal system.

It is concluded that scientists have not reached a common point of view regarding the industry affiliation of pharmaceutical law and legislation. Some researchers consider pharmaceutical law to be an integral part (sub-branch) of medical or economic (economic) law, while others define it as an independent complex branch of law or legislation.

Conclusions. A scientific position has been justified that in modern conditions there are reasons to believe the pharmacy law as an independent complex branch of law, a subject of which are managerial, economic and moral relations arising during implementation of the pharmaceutical activity, to control which uses techniques of subordination (imperative) and coordination (dispositive). The division of the pharmaceutical law system into General and Special parts is proposed, and concepts of each of them are revealed.

Author Biographies

A. A. Kotvitska, National University of Pharmacy

DSc (Pharmacy), Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Rector, Professor of the Department of Social Pharmacy

I. V. Кubarieva, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical (educative) work, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pharmacy

A. V. Volkova, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor, Chief of the Department of Social Pharmacy

G. E. Boldar, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pharmacy

A. V. Cherkashyna, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Kotvitska, A. A., Кubarieva I. V., Volkova, A. V., Boldar, G. E., & Cherkashyna, A. V. . (2020). DETERMINING THE POSITION OF PHARMACEUTICAL LAW IN THE MODERN LEGAL SYSTEM OF UKRAINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (4), 89–97.



Pharmaceutical legislation