



self-regulation of pharmaceutical activity, public associations of pharmaceutical direction, historical genesis, Ukraine


The aim of the work. A generalized scientific vision of the development of self-regulatory pharmaceutical organizations (SRPhO) in the process of creating the Ukrainian history.

Materials and Methods. The objects of the study were public associations of the pharmaceutical direction (PAPhD), the subject of the study is the process of their occurrence. The information and factual basis of the study formed scientific papers on the issues of self-regulation of the pharmaceutical activity (SRPhA) on Ukrainian lands. The system and historical approach, methods of studying literary-historical sources and analysis, explanation and interpretation of theoretical and empirical data are used in the work.

Results and Discussion. Three periods and chronology of SRPhA development are determined. It is shown that on the territory of Ukraine the self-regulation originated more than four centuries ago with the establishment of the Lviv guild of pharmacists in 1609. Herewith only for 1806–1885 years, during the period when Ukrainian lands were part of other states, twelve SRPhO were established: the Gremiums of Pharmacists in Lviv and Chernivtsi, the Pharmacy Society and the Youth Pharmaceutical Society in Lviv, the Society (Board) of Pharmacists of Bukovyna, the Kyiv Pharmaceutical Society, the Galician Pharmacy Society, the Tavriya Medical and Pharmaceutical Society, Auxiliary Society of Odesa Pharmacists, Kyiv Pharmaceutical Society of Mutual Aid, Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Society, Society of Pharmacy Owners of Odesa. It was found that this period is characterized on the one hand by an active territorial development of PAPhD, on the other hand it is insufficiently shown in the scientific literature, as there is no data on the development of SRPhA in many of today's regional centers of Ukraine. The result of the Soviet era period was the creation of the only all-Ukrainian professional organization – The Scientific Society of Pharmacists of Ukraine with branches in all regional centers. It is shown that despite an active development of the SRPhA during the period of Ukraine's independence (25 and 96 PAPhD were created at the international/national and regional/local statuses, respectively), there is no transition from the old to the new quality in the SRPhA.

Conclusions. The issue of formation of SRPhA in Ukraine on the basis of reconstruction of its historical genesis was further developed, which allowed generalizing the chronology of development of the PAPhD for three periods: the period when Ukrainian lands were part of other states, the period of the Soviet era and the period of independence.

Author Biographies

B. P. Hromovyk, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

DSc (Pharmacy), Professor, Head of the Organization and Economics of Pharmacy Department

O. B. Pankevych, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

PhD-student of the Organization and Economics of Pharmacy Department


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How to Cite

Hromovyk, B. P., & Pankevych, O. B. (2020). HISTORICAL GENESIS OF SELF-REGULATION OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL ACTIVITY ON THE TERRITORY OF UKRAINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (3), 60–69. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2020.3.11427



History of pharmacy