



higher education institution, distance training during a nationwide quarantine, mass distance training, issues of organizing distance training at the National University of Pharmacy, on-line survey


The aim of the work. Presentation of the experience of introduction and implementation of distance training for students during the nationwide quarantine, in particular, at the National University of Pharmacy.

Materials and Methods.The analysis is based on the results of a sociological study “Features of the introduction of distance training during the nationwide quarantine». The obtained data are presented using methods of generalization, systematization, one-dimensional and multidimensional statistics, graphical and comparative analysis. The method of information search and on-line survey was used.

Results and Discussion. It is established that the introduction and implementation of distance training during the national quarantine at the University has certain features. The academic community of the University has made efforts to ensure effective distance training of prospective specialists. The results of a sociological survey of University academic staff indicate that there are positive trends in the effectiveness of working remotely. Despite the fact that the desire for distance training is not fully supported by students, the teachers' self-assessment results indicate a high level of self-motivation and readiness to organize distance training at the University. The Moodle platform and the pharmel.kharkiv.edu website, and modern information internet capacities are used to organize distance training. Various forms of learning, namely: working during on-line lectures, self-studying of lectures by remote access, independent tasks, calculation and situational tasks, cases, preparation of abstracts, monitoring of students' knowledge in the form of testing on the site tests.nuph.edu.ua and using of the technology “analysis of typical errors”, organized group and individual on-line consultations have been placed at students disposal. The issues of the initial stage of mass distance learning implementation, despite the relatively high level of teachers' skills in developing distance courses, were mainly of an organizational and technical nature.

Conclusions. The analysis of features of introduction of mass distance training in the National University of Pharmacy during nationwide quarantine has shown that to maintain high indicators of its effectiveness, further efforts of the University's academic staff should be aimed at correcting academic work with foreign students; increasing the level of knowledge of telementoring technologies; adjusting the content of training courses that previously were not designed for studying remotely and improve the motivation of students for distance training.

Author Biographies

A. A. Kotvitska, National University of Pharmacy

DS (Pharmacy), Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Rector

O. S. Ovakimian, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Leading sociologist of the Quality Management Department

A. V. Volkova, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor, Chief of the Department of Social Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Kotvitska, A. A., Ovakimian, O. S., & Volkova, A. V. (2020). FEATURES OF TRAINING DURING NATIONWIDE QUARANTINE ON THE EXAMPLE OF NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PHARMACY. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (2), 84–91. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2020.2.11192



Pharmaceutical education