


Ternopil oblast, administrative-territorial units, provision of pharmaceutical establishments, population density


The aim of the work. Establishing the existing organizational and legal forms of the subjects of pharmaceutical business and analysis of the peculiarities of their structure and localization in the territorial-administrative units of Ternopil oblast.

Materials and Methods. Materials of the study: Register of locations for wholesale and retail trade of drugs, statistics on the population of Ternopil oblast. The methods of information search, systematic and statistical analysis, comparison and generalization have been used.

Results and Discussion. It has been found that in Ternopil oblast as of February 28, 2020, 257 out of  290 business entities, which are licensed for wholesale and retail trade of medicines are registered on the territory of the region, the rest – in other regions of Ukraine. Pharmaceutical supply is provided by 4 pharmacy warehouses, 523 pharmacies and 99 limited-service pharmacies. Almost three-fourths of places for retail sales of medicines belong to business entities registered in Ternopil oblast. In cities, more than two-thirds of all places of retail sales of medicines are concentrated (including the city of Ternopil – one third). Almost half of the pharmaceutical establishments (PEs) are owned by natural person-entrepreneur (NPE), over two-fifths are limited liability companies (LLC), and the rest are utility and private enterprises. Only 9 pharmacies are licensed to manufacture drugs. The administrative and territorial units of the Ternopil oblast were divided into 8 out of 10 clusters by provision of PEs and population density with the presence of a cluster leader – the city of Ternopil. The distribution of districts has a significant asymmetry – the low level of provision of PEs is characteristic for three, and the low population density – for seven out of 17 districts.

Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it has been established that: pharmaceutical support for the population of Ternopil oblast are provided by business entities of various organizational and legal forms of management, most of which are NPE and LLC; compared to last year, the number of PEs decreased as a result of a significant reduction in the NPE's activity locations; the share of  pharmaceutical networks is one third of the all business entities of pharmaceutical market in Ternopil oblast, and the number of places of their activity is twice as big; in rural areas less than one third of the PEs are located, which exceeds the same indicator in other regions of Ukraine; only 1.4 % of PEs are licensed to manufacture medicines, which is 0.2 % less than the average in Ukraine; the provision of  PEs in rural areas is 2.8 times lower than in urban areas; there is a significant differentiation of administrative-territorial units in terms of provision of PEs and population density.

Author Biographies

Y. I. Yatsyshyn, LLC Pharmacy No. 28, Lviv


O. M. Korniyenko, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy

I. Ya. Horodetska, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy

M. V. Korolyov, Odesa National Medical University

Assistant of the Pharmacy Department 

B. P. Hromovyk, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

DS (Pharmacy), Professor, Head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Yatsyshyn, Y. I., Korniyenko, O. M., Horodetska, I. Y., Korolyov, M. V., & Hromovyk, B. P. (2020). ORGANIZATIONAL PECULIARITIES OF PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPORT FOR THE POPULATION OF TERNOPIL OBLAST. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (2), 60–68.



Organization of pharmaceutical structures’ work