


pricing, medicines, availability of medicines, legal framework, state regulation, legal act


The aim of the work. To analyze and systematize the legal framework in the field of ensuring the availability of medicines for the population.

Materials and Methods. Regulatory acts, analytical documents, official sites of the authorities, scientific works of domestic scientists on state regulation of pricing on drugs; analysis historical, logical, generalization and systematization.

Results and Discussion. In the context of providing the state with guarantees of availability of medical and pharmaceutical care for the population, the state regulation of prices for medicines is carried out by declaring prices, limiting margins, reference pricing. In the absence of compulsory health insurance in Ukraine pilot projects and government programs are being launched to increase the availability of medicines to the general public. During the period of independence the state adopted a number of legal acts in the field of pharmaceutical pricing: 25 CMU Resolutions, more than 20 orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. According to the results of the survey of pharmacy workers, frequent change and contradiction of the regulatory framework is one of the main problems, which causes the low efficiency of the state regulation of pharmaceutical activity. This, in turn, affects the quality of providing pharmaceutical care for the population.

Conclusions. The regulatory framework governing the availability of drugs and the pricing of drugs is very complex and controversial, often changing. In order to create an effective system of price regulation, it is proposed to optimize the legal framework in the direction of codification (creation of a code), which would allow to make changes promptly and avoid legal conflicts.

Author Biography

V. M. Nazarkina, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Economy of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Nazarkina, V. M. (2020). RESEARCH OF LEGISLATIVE BASE IN ENSURING THE AVAILABILITY OF MEDICINES FOR POPULATION. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (1), 106–116.



Pharmaceutical legislation