herb, extracts, Verbena officinalis L., lipids, hyperlipidemic effectAbstract
The aim of the work. Investigation the effect of Verbena officinalis L. herb extracts on the level of lipids in the blood of experimental animals using the model of atherosclerotic hyperlipidemia.
Materials and Methods. The investigation of the effect of Verbena officinalis L. herb extracts on the level of lipid fractions in the blood of experimental white rats was performed using the Triton model of hyperlipidemia. The pharmacotherapeutic efficacy of the investigated extracts was proved on the basis of biochemical, morphological and histological parameters.
Results and Discussion. The received data of biochemical parameters of rats blood indicates that the course using, within 10 days, of standardized Verbena officinalis L. herb extracts by animals with atherosclerotic hyperlipidemia simulated by Triton WR-1339, significantly decrease the level of lipids in it.
Conclusions. The study of the biochemical parameters dynamics in the blood of rats with atherosclerotic hyperlipidemia simulated by Triton WR-1339, at course assignment of Verbena officinalis L. herb extracts indicates that the use of the extracts reduces the level of blood lipids, namely total lipids, β-lipoproteins, triglycerols, total cholesterol, as well as the parameters of total protein, urea, ALT and AST. The most pronounced effect was demonstrated by Verbena officinalis L. water-alcohol extract.
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