



Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., buds, morphological and anatomical structure


The aim of the work. Research of the morphological and anatomical structure of black alder buds.

Materials and methods. The pharmacopoeial methods of analysis investigated the morphological and anatomical structure of 5 series of buds of black alder of ordinary domestic harvest. Morphological features were studied at no less than 15 samples of raw materials of each series. The anatomical structure was studied at no less than 15 samples of raw materials of each series.

Results and Discussion. The measurements of the buds and covering margins (morphometric parameters) made it possible to set the boundaries of the length and diameter of the bud and the length and width of the covering margins. The morphological description of black alder buds with the definition of diagnostic features is made (the size, shape and color of the buds and the covering bracts).

The anatomical structure of the black alder buds was investigated. The main diagnostic features were identified: the shape of the cells of the epidermis of the bracts and the porosity of their shells, the types and topography of the thrichoms of the bracts, the presence of essential oil glands.

Conclusions. Features of the morphological and anatomical structure of 5 series of adhesive alder buds of various harvesting regions have been established. Morphometric indices were determined, limits for the length and diameter of the buds and ophthalmic bracts were established. The criteria for the morphological description were selected and a morphological description of the sticky alder buds was created with the definition of diagnostic signs. The study of the anatomical structure of sticky alder buds made it possible to identify the diagnostic features of raw materials. The obtained results can become the basis for the development of the sections “Identification A” and “Identification B” of the draft monograph on the sticky alder buds as a promising type of medicinal plant material.

Author Biographies

O. P. Khvorost, National University of Pharmacy

DS (Pharmacy), Professor, Professor of the chemistry of natural compounds and nutricion department

Yu. A. Fedchenkova, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University

DS (Pharmacy), Professor of the chemistry and pharmacy department

K. S. Skrebtsova, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Pharmacy), assistant of the chemistry of natural compounds and nutricion department

A. I. Popik, National University of Pharmacy

PhD (Pharmacy), assistant of the chemistry of natural compounds and nutricion department


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How to Cite

Khvorost, O. P., Fedchenkova, Y. A. ., Skrebtsova, K. S., & Popik, A. I. (2019). A STUDY OF THE MORPHOLOGICAL-ANATOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE BUDS OF BLACK ALDER ALNUS GLUTINOSA (L.) Gaertn. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (3), 21–26. https://doi.org/10.11603/2312-0967.2019.3.10472

