


The Armed Forces of Ukraine, the system of medical supplies, stages of development and reform


The aim of the work is to study the stages of formation and development of military medical supply system in the context of building history of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, an analysis of domestic scientific sources and the current legal documents was conducted. Were used methods of information retrieval, systematization, content analysis, comparison, generalization and modeling.

Results and discussion. During the study of the stages of formation and development of military medical supply system in the context of building history of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it was established that at the time of the creation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the military medical service and the system of medical supplies were being constructed using the approaches of the Soviet Army.

It was clarified that the adoption of a defense doctrine, the change in economic conditions in the country and the limited resources led to the transition to medical care and the supply of medical equipment and property on a territorial basis.

This is also required separation losses of both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the medical service to the optimal number. It was determined that the lack of budget financing during all the years of the existence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not allow to build an effective model of medical supplies and carry out technical re-equipment of the medical service fully. The retrospective analysis of the evolution of the medical service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed that in 1991-1994 and 2005-2007 it was a duplication of the management function of medical care in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, in the period from 1998-2005, the management of medical care carried out a single governing body, which contributed to a more effective solution to the issues of medical care.

Conclusions. The stages of formation and development of the military-medical supply system in the context of the history of the construction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducted in the article. It is also determined that at the present stage the principle of a unified medical service management body that meets NATO standards is implemented. As of today, the development of the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is aimed at integrating into a single effective logistic support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which operates in accordance with the norms and standards of the Alliance. Thus, in order to choose a scientifically grounded model of military medical supply in modern realities, it is necessary to summarize the historical experience of the formation of a supply system of medical equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result, the subject of our further research is to determine the evolutionary stages in the management of streaming processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

O.P. Shmatenko, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

DS (Pharmacy), professor, Colonel MED, head of the Military Pharmacy Department

M. V. Bilous, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

PhD (Pharmacy), associate professor, the Military Pharmacy Department

T. V. Prikhodko, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

PhD (Pharmacy), Lieutenant-colonel MED, associate professor, the Military Pharmacy Department

O. V. Galan, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

Honored Pharmacist of Ukraine, senior lecturer of the Military Pharmacy Department

V. V. Trokhymchuk, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

DS (Pharmacy), professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, head of the Medical and Prophylactic and Pharmaceutical Faculty

D. V. Drozdov, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

senior lecturer of Military Pharmacy Department

N. O. Takhtaulova, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

PhD (Pharmacy), associate professor, the Military Pharmacy Department


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How to Cite

Shmatenko, O., Bilous, M. V., Prikhodko, T. V., Galan, O. V., Trokhymchuk, V. V., Drozdov, D. V., & Takhtaulova, N. O. (2019). STEPS OF THE MILITARY AND MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPLY SYSTEM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE BUILDING HISTORY OF THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (3), 51–59.



Pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistics