


health technology assessment, budget impact rate, national list of essential medicines, medicines


The aim of the work. Development of a rate of budget impact when evaluating the inclusion of a medicines on the National List of Essential Medicines (National List) in the analysis of the economic efficiency.

Materials and methods. ABC analysis used for developed of this recommendations. The aim is assessing of the potential impact on the budget of medicines in case of its inclusion on the National List. The study used data provided by the Pharmexsplorer market research system, Support in Market Development (SMD) for 2018.

Results and discussion. The developed of scale of rate of budget impact is recommended to be used to assess the financial consequences of using medical technology over an appropriate time horizon of 1 year or more to ensure an adequate level of functioning in the healthcare sector.  In the case of procurement by state budget and local budgets, if expenses per one INN exceeds 40 million UAH per year, the budget impact rate is excessive. If the expenses for one INN are in the range from 20 million to 40 million, the budget impact rate is big, if the costs range from 10 to 20 million UAH, then the impact is moderate, if expenses are less than 10 million, then the impact is insignificant.

Subject to the inclusion of a medicinal product in the National List, in the case of procurement by health care institutions that are financed from the local budget, the scale of budget impact levels has the following gradation: if the cost per INN exceeds 17 million UAH per year, the budget impact rate is excessive. If the expenses for one INN are in the range from 6 to 17 million UAH, the budget impact rate is big, if the expenses for one INN are in the range from 3 to 6 million UAH, the impact is moderate; if the expenses are less than 3 million, the impact is insignificant.

Conclusion. A scale for determining of rate of budget impact was developed based on the analysis of the procurement of medicines from the National List for 2018. It has such a gradation in four levels of influence: excessive, big, moderate and insignificant. It is promising to use a rate of budget impact for HTA with the aim of future financing by the expenses of state and local budgets in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

O.M. Oleschuk, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

MD, PhD, DS (Medicine), Professor, Head of Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines MoH of Ukraine, Head of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Department

T. M. Dumenko, State Expert Center MoH of Ukraine

MD, PhD (Medicine), Director

O. B. Pinyazhko, State Expert Center MoH of Ukraine

PhD (Pharmacy), Director of the Health Technology Assessment Department, Member of the Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines MoH of Ukraine, Kyiv

I. M. Romanenko, State Expert Center of the MoH of Ukraine

Member Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines MoH of Ukraine, Head of the Department for Evaluation of the Economic Efficiency of Medicines of the Medical Technology Evaluation Department, Kyiv

M. M. Klimenko, State Expert Center of the MoH of Ukraine

member of the Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines MoH of Ukraine, Deputy Head of the Department for Evaluation of the Economic Efficiency of Medicines of the Department of Medical Technology Evaluation, Kyiv

O. A. Topachevsky, State Expert Center of the MoH of Ukraine

member of the Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines MoH of Ukraine, Kyiv

M. B. Leleka, State Expert Center MoH of Ukraine

PhD (Pharmacy), expert of the department of evaluation of the economic efficiency of medicinal products of the Department of Medical Technology Assessment, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Oleschuk, O. ., Dumenko, T. M., Pinyazhko, O. B., Romanenko, I. M., Klimenko, M. M., Topachevsky, O. A., & Leleka, M. B. (2019). RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCALE OF BUDGET IMPACT RATE IN THE EVALUATION OF THE PURCHASE OF MEDICINES IN UKRAINE. Pharmaceutical Review Farmacevtičnij časopis, (3), 92–101.


