Stages before publication

The primary examination of the manuscript (the conformity with the subject and guidelines of the journal, selection and appointment of reviewers) is carried out within 2 days.

The manuscript of the article is subjected to anonymous review by two leading experts in the relevant field; the duration of the peer-review processis is 14 days, in special cases - up to 30 days. Authors can suggest independent reviewers for their work (editorial team comprehends these wishes), but reserves the right to involve the reviewers, who carry out a more thorough analysis of the work.

If necessary, the manuscript is sent to the authors for revision. After the manuscript is improved in accordance with the comments of the reviewers, the author should send it to the editor in no more than two weeks. A manuscript that has insufficient recall of the reviewers is rejected as inappropriate to profile and requirements according to the level of journal publications; the editorial team sends a written message to the author about it. The editorial does not carry on a correspondence with the author of the rejected article about the possibility of its improvement or reveal the names of the reviewers.

The improved article by the authors, approved by the reviewers, is considered to be final, after which the changes in the text, drawings or tables are inadmissible.

The editorial team reserves the right to correct, shorten and alter the article. To get a control review of an edited article, the editorial sent the layout to the author by email, which should be urgently proof read, and within three days the editorial team should be informed by e-mail about the errors noticed (specifying the page, column, paragraph, line, which should be corrected) or about the lack thereof. If the authors’ reply is not received in time, the publication of the article is delayed.