Requirements for Manuscript

Original articles in different fields of pharmaceutical sciences; reviews of studying topical issues and solving urgent problems of pharmacy; articles on the history of world and national pharmacy, which cover genesis, evolution of ideas, emergence and development of scientific schools and famous figures; discussion articles; reviews of articles and new publications; articles of scientific chronicle in pharmacy; short messages are accepted for publication. 

Articles in the Pharmaceutical Review are published in Ukrainian and English.


Manuscript requirements

The research work with references, tables and figures and captions explaining the obtained results should be 10-20 pages in size, a review – up to 30 pages; short message – 5-9 pages. Text font must be Times New Roman; all fields – 20 mm; size 14 (in table – size 10); spacing – 1.5.

 The Structure of the Manuscript


Author’s initials and surnames

The name of the institution, where the research was performed

E-mail of the corresponding author

Abstract and keywords (in article language, the structure is given below)


Materials and Methods

Results and Discussion


Keywords (no more than 10 words)

Abstract (in another languages – English or Ukrainian) should have the next structure: the title of the manuscript, initials and surnames of all authors, the name of the institution where the work was performed and the text of the abstract (150-300 words), which should include: the Aim of the work, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions. Keywords.

Acknowledgments (if necessary)

Information of financial support (if present)

Conflict of interest

References (in Vancouver Style)


Introduction. In the introduction paragraph the problem should be briefly outlined, as well as the latest research and publications that initiated the solution of the problem should be analysed; the previously unresolved parts of the general problem according to the article matter should be highlighted; and the purpose of the research should be developed.


Materials and Methods. This section should be presented so that the experiments can be reproduced according to the description of the methods and reagents, as well as the conditions for the experiments conduction. It is advisable to describe the method or methodology of the research in case they are novel or interesting from the point of view of the work. It is enough to present references to publications for well-known methods. The names of companies and manufacturers of reagents and materials used in experiments should be specified.

The journal follows the rules of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 1986), EU Directive 2010/10/63 EU on experiments on animals, the rules of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recommendations “Bioethical investigation of preclinical and other scientific researches performed on animals” (Kyiv, 2006). In this paragraph the species and number of test animals and the methods of anaesthesia and euthanasia used should be necessarily specified. All procedures describing experiments involving use of laboratory animals must be carried out in accordance with the rules on bioethics. Describing the experiments with laboratory animals, the recommendations for working with animals (national, institute) that were followed during these procedures should be stated. In case of impossibility of full compliance with these norms, the author should justify the change of the protocol, approve it with the local committee on bioethics and specify the relevant changes in the Materials and Methods paragraph.

Any affairs involving use of materials obtained from a person or from donors and/or patients should be conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Association’s Code of Ethics on Biomedical Investigations with the People, the Declaration of Helsinki (1964), the principles of which are available at The evidence of approval of the research protocol should be obtained from the local committee and this data should be specified in the Materials and Methods paragraph.

In accordance with the rules approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), patients have the right to privacy, which cannot be violated without an informed consent. Before submitting the manuscript for publication the identified patient should give his/her informed consent. If the informed consent is received, this fact should be specified in the published article in the Materials and Methods paragraph. More information in the PUBLIC ETHICS (Bioethical Principles, Declaration of Informed Consent).

Digital data must be rounded up according to the established rules taking into account the average error of the experiment. The significant differences of indicators should be proved by statistical analysis referring to specific methods. The same results in tables and figures cannot be repeated. The program used for statistical analysis of the obtained results, the results presented, the confidence interval or the distribution of values should be also necessarily specified.

All indications and names of physical and chemical units of measurement should be presented in SI system. It is necessary to use the molar concentration of solutions and present it in M, mM, μM, etc., not to use a normal concentration (N). If the concentration is in percents, it is necessary to specify W/W, W/V, V/V indices. The salts used for the preparation of solutions: crystalline hydrates or anhydrous, should be mentioned. The use of reagents prepared by pharmacopoeial techniques is mandatory specified.

According to current terminology, it is expedient to use the terms enzyme and protein. When working with enzymes it is necessary to indicate the recommended or nomenclature systematic name and code, following the recommendations of the International Biochemical Union (Enzyme Nomenclature. 1992. – Acad. Press. San Diego. California і Supplement (1–6) – в Eur. J. Biochem. (1993–1997, 1999). The activity of the enzymes must be determined by the rate of the catalysed reaction in μmoles of the modified substrate or the resulting product for 1 min per 1 mg of protein. The unit of enzymatic activity is also used – the standard unit of U activity (IU). Specific activity of enzyme is usually presented in μmol/min per 1 mg of protein. In all cases, the conditions for the reaction are strictly indicated, that is temperature, pH, concentration of the substrate.

Describing data determined using visible or UV absorption spectroscopy methods think of that they practically characterize absorption. The term ‘Absorption’ – absorption (A), but not ‘extinction’ and ‘optical density’ should be used, in case of IR spectroscopy – the term ‘Transmission’ (T).

If specific organisms (animals, plants, microorganisms) were used in the research, when the first mention of them in the article text, it is necessary to specify their full type names in Latin (in italics) following the modern taxonomy, and in case of the following stating, the genus name is presented abbreviated in one letter, except for those cases when generic names of different organisms begin with the same letter.

The abbreviations of words (abbreviations), besides the well-known ones, in tables and in captions of figures should not be specified (with some exceptions, in this case their full form in the notes is required). In addition to the established abbreviations, in the article the capriciously abbreviated short words should also not be specified.


Results and Discussion. In this paragraph, direct verbal repetition of table results should be avoided. It is necessary to submit the results of the research, to conduct their scientific explanation and justification, to make an analysis of the obtained dependences in the light of the established theories on the study problem. Discussion of results should be limited to consideration of only the most important established facts, taking into account preliminary data on the studied subject matter. Consequently, much of the discussion should involve interpretation of the results.


Conclusions. The conclusions and perspectives of further research in the study field are developed. They can be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, suggestions described in the article.


References. Reference list is formed according to their appearance in the text (they are indicated by numbers in square brackets) and is presented at the end of the article. References in the research work should contain no more than 20 items, and in the review – no more than 100. In this case, references to the most recent works prevail. The rate of self-citation is no more than 30%, that is, if one uses 10 references, there should be no more than 3 of them to their works.

References should be submitted in the Vancouver Style, available at or For Cyrillic sources, authors’ names and journal titles are presented in accordance with one of the international transliteration systems, and article titles should be translated into English and the translated name should be presented in square brackets. Publications in English are presented in the source language in accordance with the Vancouver Style.

Transliteration of surnames and journal titles is carried out depending on the source language and the compliance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 27, 2010 No. 55 “On reorganization the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin characters” for the Ukrainian language or according to the requirements of the BGN/HCGN system for the Russian language. Transliteration online at

If the publication has a DOI, it should be specified. The names of months in circulation/publication dates, etc. (in accordance with the language rules of a particular country) should be shortened as well. The names of journals should be abbreviated.

The authors are fully responsible for the correctness of the references listed!

The articles, completed in disregard of the specified rules are not considered for publication!