Peer-review Process

  1. Editors registers the article, provided that it meets the requirements, published in the journal and posted on the website
  2. Article is subject to review.
  3. Chief Editor determines the scientific value of the work and appoints two reviewers - independent experts, with the closest to the subject of scientific specialization. Reviewers typically are leading scientists in the field of pharmacy, as well as specialists in biochemistry, medicine.
  4. The term of peer review - two weeks. Depending on the situation and at the request of the reviewer's review period may be extended, but not more than 30 days. 
  5. In order to make the most complete and objective reviews to the article editors developed a guide for the reviewer.
  6. Reviewer doing one of the following conclusions: 1 – recommend an article for publication in the author's version; 2 – recommend an article to publish only after revision and taking into account of these shortcomings; 3 – recommend transfer this article for additional review another specialist; 4 – to reject the publication, indicating the reason.
  7. Chief Editor examines the reviewers' suggestions and takes decisions: to send this article for publication or return to the author with the proposal to take into account the recommendations of the reviewer and to complete it. The resulting redeveloped the authors reviewed again.
  8. With the 2015 edition switched on practice of dual "blind" peer review: authors don't know - who evaluates their work and a reviewer does not know whom he reviews. Correspondence between the reviewer and the author is through editorial. Reviewer, evaluating article, can to attract some professionals to provide substantiated answers to the publication on its own initiative.
  9. Conclusion of reviewer is not final for the Chief Editor. If the opinion of the reviewers does not match, Chief Editor directs the work for additional peer review third reviewer.
  10. When the author disagrees with a review, he can send a reasoned reply to the Editor and then Editorial Board decides on expediency of assignment other reviewers for his article. In conflict or unusual situations Chief Editor alone takes appropriate action.
  11. In case of positive reviews chief editor sends this article to the editor with the instructions "To be printed" and the article goes through the following stages: orthographic and stylistic editing, technical editing and design in the layout for the transfer of the publisher.
  12. Scientists Councils of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University and National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine finally approve the number at the next meeting.
  13. Original of articles and reviews are stored in editorial office for three years.