O. V. Herush1, L. V. Yakovlieva2, S. V. Spyrydonov2, S. A. Hrashchenkova2
Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovynian State Medical University», Chernivtsi1
National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv2
Introduction. The problem of allergy today is one of the most important in medicine as the intensity of allergic diseases in recent decades has increased with a tendency for further growth. Modern synthetic antihistamine drugs used in the treatment of allergic diseases sometimes reveal allergenic action on the body themselves. This reason stipulates the necessity to study sensitizing properties of all new medicines including those of a herbal origin.
The objective of the study was to examine possible sensitizing action of new herbal medicines of the capsules “Hepafisan”, granules “Polyherbagastrin”, “Hepatropin” and the capsules “Phytovenol”. The materials of the study were certain medicinal plants and multi-component herbal combinations in the form of granules and capsules obtained in the Laboratory “Iris” and the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines,NationalPharmaceuticalUniversity(Kharkiv,Ukraine).
Methods of the study. Possible sensitizing properties of the agents examined were estimated by their ability to cause hypersensitive reactions of an immediate and slow types in the tests of indirect degranulation of mast cells in vitro and conjunctival test in vivo respectively. The experiments were conducted on two kinds of animals: guinea pigs (conjunctival test) and albino outbred rats (reaction of mast cells degranulation). The medical agents examined were administered endogastrically to guinea pigs and rats in conditionally therapeutic doses (rats: the capsules “Hepafisan” – 108 mg/kg, the granules “Polyherbagastrin” – 900 mg/kg, the granules “Hepatropin” – 900 mg/kg, the capsules “Phytovenol” – 150 mg/kg; guinea pigs: the capsules “Hepafisan” – 60 mg/kg, the granules “Polyherbagastrin” – 654 mg/kg, the granules “Hepatropin” – 654 mg/kg, the capsules “Phytovenol” – 109 mg/kg), and in the doses 10 times higher of them during 14 days.
Results and discussion. Administration of the capsules “Hepafisan”, granules “Polyherbagastrin”, “Hepatropin” and the capsules “Phytovenol” for rats during 14 days did not change general condition of animals. The tests showed that the number of degranulated mast cells in the serum of sensitized for 14 days rats corresponded to the number of degranulated mast cells in the control group of rats on the 21st day. The capsules “Hepafisan”, granules “Polyherbagastrin”, “Hepatropin” and the capsules “Phytovenol” did not cause an increasing level of degranulated mast cells in the blood, and thus did not have sensitizing action. The analysis of the results obtained is indicative of the absence of sensitizing properties in the tests in vitro in the herbal agents examined. Administration of the capsules “Hepafisan”, granules “Polyherbagastrin”, “Hepatropin” and the capsules “Phytovenol” for guinea pigs during 14 days did not change general condition of the animals. The testing conducted on the 21st day showed the absence of any signs of allergic reaction in response to the final dose of the agents examined dropped into the eyes of guinea pigs. Allergic inflammatory reaction of the eye conjunctiva was not detected in all the examined animals.
Therefore, the results obtained are indicative of the fact that the capsules “Hepafisan”, granules “Polyherbagastrin”, “Hepatropin” and the capsules “Phytovenol” in the doses administered did not reveal sensitizing action in the “conjunctival test”.
Conclusions. On the basis of the data presented we can assert that the capsules “Hepafisan”, granules “Polyherbagastrin”, “Hepatropin” and the capsules “Phytovenol” in case of endogastric administration in conditionally therapeutic and tenfold increased doses did not reveal sensitizing properties on the patterns of conjunctival tests and indirect degranulation of mast cells. Thus, new herbal medicines can be recommended for production as those without allergic properties.
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