Publication ethics


In its editorial policy scientific journal «Medical Education» consistently adheres to the publishing standards of publication COPE Code of Conduct confirmed by the COP (Commіttee on Publіcatіon Ethіcs).

The materials are read by the members of the edition’s editorial board and/or extraneous independent experts proceeding from the principle of objectivity and positions of the higher international academic quality standards, and are edited.

The editors reserve to themselves the right to make stylistic corrections and abridgements of manuscript texts with the preservation of the author’s style. The corrections which, in the opinion of the editors, can change the text’s content are co-ordinated with the author.

The scientific edition editorial board reserves to itself  the right to reject articles which do not meet the journal’s requirements and subjects.

The thoughts and suggestions expressed in the published articles do not necessarily coincide with the point of view of the editorial board. The authors bear the responsibility for the reliability of their articles’ information, statistical data, accuracy of names, surnames, and citations.

The submitted materials are not returned and cannot be published in other scientific journals.

In cases of revealing of the plagiarism the responsibility is fully on the authors of the submitted materials.

Ethical obligations of authors

The principal duty of the author consists in giving an exact report on the conducted research and, also, in stirring an objective discussion of its essentiality. Authors should present their results accurately and unequivocally so, that their conclusions can be confirmed by other scientists without faking of the data acquisition or any inadequate manipulation of them.

The authors of the articles bear full responsibility for the content of their articles, as well as for the fact of their publication.

The author should quote the publications which have made a decisive influence on the essence of his / her work which has been presented or, also, these which can quickly acquaint the reader with the earlier works on the subject and are important for understanding of his / her research. Also, it is absolutely necessary to properly specify the sources of the essentially important materials used in his /her work, provided that these materials have not been admitted by the author himself / herself.

Inadmissible is the presentation of a plagiarism as an original work and the submission of the before published article for publication in this journal. In case of revealing of the specified facts the whole responsibility falls on the authors of the submitted materials.

Only the persons who have made a considerable scientific contribution into the submitted work and who share the responsibility for the received results should be considered the co-authors of the article. The author, who submits the manuscript for publication, is responsible for the fact that only the persons meeting the requirements of authorship have been included into the list of co-authors and incurs the responsibility for the consent of the co-authors of the article for its publication in this journal.

The authors should inform the editors on any potential conflict of interests which the publication of the results in his / her manuscript could inflict.

The authors should accurately specify the sources of all the quoted or presented information and appropriately arrange the references to the literary sources used in work according to the established requirements.

In case the author has revealed certain essential errors or discrepancies in his / her article at the stage of its reading or after its publication, he should inform the journal editors on it as soon as possible.

The editorial board has the right to reject the article’s publication under the condition of non-observance of the requirements of the editors.