Socrative Internet service, distance educationAbstract
The aim of the work – to increase the quality of distance education of medical students through the use of the Socrative online service.
The main body. In order to increase the cognitive interest of students at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Socrative Internet service was introduced, which allowed to conduct fully electronic current and final test control knowledge. Since the department has affordable high-speed Internet through Wi-Fi, there was no need to keep the entire computer class. As a test tool, the tablet computers of the department or the smart phones of students with Wi-Fi access were used. Upon completion of the test, the student receives a message with information about the time spent and the percentage of correct answers, and the teacher real-time detailed information about passing the exam. The service’s capabilities allow students to conduct student surveys, monitor the acquired material and organize gaming competitions at the speed of responses, which greatly increases productivity and enhances students’ motivation to study.
Conclusions. The introduction of information and communication technologies, in particular Internet service Socrative, in the educational activities of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy significantly increased the ergonomics of teachers’ teaching work, the objectivity and speed of interaction between teachers and students, and the effectiveness of the department as a whole. Further introduction of modern communication technologies will significantly simplify and improve the current and final accounting of student knowledge, and the use of elements of the competition, increase the motivation of students to study.
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