
  • O. H. Buriak Bukovyna State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • N. D. Pavliukovych Bukovyna State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • O. V. Pavliukovuch Bukovyna State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • K. A. Chimpoi Bukovyna State Medical University, Chernivtsi



clinical thinking, situational tasks, students


The aim of the work – to discuss the possibility of situational tasks applying for the formation of clinical thinking among students.

The main body. One of the main tasks of medical students training is the formation of their clinical thinking, which allows continuing the working independently with patients both during the course of study at senior courses and during internship. Taking into consideration that conduction of practical classes involves test control of knowledge in each class on the one hand, and on the other hand – the development of practical skills in the examination of the patient, this in some way restricts the development of clinical thinking in the students.

Current control is not only testing of the level of mastering of the material in the class, it is also the continuation of training, repetition of the main issues of the topic, systematization of knowledge and skills, and also their consolidation.

Control by help of situational tasks is designed to sum up the mastering of each section of the class, to sum up the students’ knowledge, to give them opportunity to systematize their ideas about the leading syndromes and clinical signs of diseases of different systems and organs, to allow them to make adjustments to the understanding of the laws of the functioning of the organism as a whole.

Thus, the partial role of the clinical thinking in situational problems solving is very significant, and its significance is not limited only to controlling current training on a topic, but is an intermediate training activity in the training system.

Conclusion. Thus, clinical situational tasks can be used not only for controlling of the knowledge, but also for the formation of the students’ clinical thinking.


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How to Cite

Buriak, O. H., Pavliukovych, N. D., Pavliukovuch, O. V., & Chimpoi, K. A. (2018). THE FORMATION OF STUDENTS’ CLINICAL THINKING BY MEANS OF SITUATIONAL TASKS USAGE. Medical Education, (1), 10–12.



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