educational process, higher education establishments, teaching materials.Abstract
The aim of the work – to conduct an information analysis on the provision of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine with the teaching materials on the disciplines “Foreign language” and “Foreign language (professionally oriented)” for the proper organization of students’ preparation for the professionally oriented English language examination as a separate component of the OCSE (The One Comprehensive State Exam).
The main body. Improving the quality of doctors’ training as an obligate part of implementing the health care reform in Ukraine requires consistent work in improving the pre-graduate training of graduates in Master degree in all specialties of the field of knowledge “Healthcare”. At the present time, the work on the development and approval of higher education standards for each level of higher education within each specialty has not yet been completed, taking into account the proposals of the industrial government bodies to which the higher education institutions belong, as well as industrial groups of employers’ organizations in pursuance of Article 10 Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”.
Conclusions. To improve the organization of preparing students for the professionally oriented English language examination as a separate component of the OCSE, it is necessary to develop a series of measures to ensure the formation of students (who study in higher education establishments of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, but do not study English as a foreign or foreign language according to the professional orientation), competencies required for the professionally oriented English language examination as a separate component of the OCSE, including optional courses studying “Foreign Language (Second): English” and “Professionally Oriented Foreign Language: English”, take measures to increase the number of teaching materials in English, and improve the material and technical equipment of the foreign language departments.
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