medical residency, pediatrics, curriculum.Abstract
The aim of the work – to highlight the importance of medical residency in the training of pediatricians.
The main body. Medical residency should be conducted at medical universities, academies, institutes, and should become a form of specialization of doctors in certain medical specialties (after completion of internship in basic specialties), to be conducted exclusively at the appropriate clinical departments in order to obtain the qualification of a specialist doctor in accordance with the list of medical specialties approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The main task of the pediatric medical residency is deepening of the level of practical training of children’s doctors, their mastery of a certain level of professional abilities, practical skills, duties and competences within the specific medical specialization, necessary for independent medical activity in a particular pediatric specialty.
Conclusion. The introduction of a medical residency in postgraduate medical education is an urgent requirement of time, is to be one of the urgent needs of the healthcare sector being reformed, and will contribute to improving the quality of postgraduate training of pediatricians and, accordingly, the preservation of children’s health.References
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