medical education, distance learning, online courses, LMS edX, IT cloud services.Abstract
The aim of the work – to analyze the introduction into the educational process of Medical (Pharmaceutical) Institutions of Higher Education of elective courses in the form of distance learning based on the online course technology, implemented on the edX platform located on the Azure cloud virtual server.
The main body. The article presents the experience of introducing modern online technologies into the system of training of specialists in the field of knowledge 22 “PUBLIC HEALTH”. The authors show the sequence of organizational steps to be taken, to implement the full cycle of e-learning technologies: from elaborating an online course to organizing the process of students’ self-study with online services. We found the main difficulties of implementing the innovative forms of education into the conservative system in which educational process is organized at medical universities: organization of free choice of disciplines in the training of specialists; ensuring quality organization of students’ self-study; introduction of new methods of training for the KROK licensed exam, and ways to resolve them were suggested.
Conclusion. Implementation of e-learning technologies in the system of graduate education at a medical university in the format of elective courses makes it possible to provide students with real choice of courses as well as to reflect the most advanced scientific and practical achievements in the content of these courses, brings elements of interactivity into the learning process, and also creates conditions for remote monitoring of students’ academic activity by teachers.References
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