
  • V. M. Zhdan Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
  • Y. M. Kitura Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
  • M. Yu. Babanina Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
  • M. V. Tkachenko Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
  • H. V. Volchenko Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
  • L. M. Shylkina Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
  • V. H. Lebid Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy



interactivity of training, clinical thinking, brainstorming, presentation, discussion.


The aim of the work – the analysis of the pedagogical effectiveness of the introduction of interactive learning technologies in the training of an internship doctor in the specialty “General Practice - Family Medicine”.

The main body. The article presents the main technologies of interactive learning, which are used at the Department of Family Medicine and Therapy in the training of a medical specialist: brainstorming, discussion, presentation, role play. The features of each of these methods and their advantages were given. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the used pedagogical technologies was carried out at the end of the discipline by testing and the licensed computer program “Elex” (150 questions of 2-3 levels of complexity on the corresponding specialty were offered) and by checking the acquisition of practical skills in accordance with standardized cards of practical skills and summing up the results, anonymous questionnaire.

The effectiveness of using individual interactive teaching methods in the training of a medical specialist is shown.

Conclusions. To achieve maximum mastering of the material, to make the classroom interesting and dynamic, it is necessary to use various interactive teaching methods, in particular: brainstorming, discussion, role play, presentation. For the effective use of one or another interactive method in the training of a specialist, it is important to be familiar with a variety of methods, to understand their features, to take into account the benefits and limitations, and to take into account the recommendations for their use, to apply interactive methods in accordance with the topic, goals and objectives of the occupation.


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How to Cite

Zhdan, V. M., Kitura, Y. M., Babanina, M. Y., Tkachenko, M. V., Volchenko, H. V., Shylkina, L. M., & Lebid, V. H. (2018). IMPLEMENTATION OF MAIN INTERACTIVE TEACHING METHODS IN TRAINING OF MEDICAL SPECIALIST. Medical Education, (1).



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