professional training, nurse, Austria, cooperative learning.Abstract
The aim of the work – to analyze the use of cooperative training technology in the training of Austrian nurses.
The main body. Cooperative training is widely used at different levels of Austrian education. The benefits of cooperative learning are to increase academic outcomes of students; development of the ability to think critically and not stereotypically perceive other people; positive psychological climate in the group; the aspiration of students for cooperation and constructive socialization; presence of empathy reaction, mutual support, sympathy and friendly relations in the team; positive attitude towards students, teachers and educational institutions; personal growth; a high level of self-esteem and mental health that manifests itself in emotional balance, awareness of personal identity, a manifestation of trust, an optimistic perception of the world and the environment. Teachers have developed five basic principles of cooperative learning that distinguish it from the traditional group forms of work in the class: positive interdependence; individual responsibility; close interpersonal interaction; successful communication; a group analysis of the results conducted to assess the success of the overall goal of learning activities and the productivity of co-operation.The importance of the use of cooperative educational training in the training of nurses is that, unlike traditional forms and methods of educational activity, co-operative learning helps to achieve not only cognitive, but also motivational and emotional goals, develops the ability to take responsibility for their own training, that is, the ability to independently organize the learning process. At the same time, an important role is played by the ability to self-reflection, that is, the ability to independently evaluate own results and achievements.
Conclusion. The use of co-operative learning technologies can not only improve practical skills, but also develop the clinical thinking of future nursing professionals, adapt them to non-standard situations, and work out all the necessary stages of the future nurse’s activities.References
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