teaching, leadership, areas of activities, professional values.Abstract
The aim of the work – to analyze the peculiarities of teaching in the medical university on the basis of leadership.
The main body. In the era of globalization, internationalization, the development of information technology is the transition from the surface approach to deep approach. Teaching on a leadership basis aims at uncovering everyone’s potential, actively engaging students in the educational process, inspiring them to ask questions and searching answers to them. A student acquires knowledge through analysis and synthesis of information, integrating them with general communication abilities, critical thinking and problem solving, and the teacher only helps with this.
Conclusions. The development of the theory of distributive leadership implies the leadership of all employees of the educational institution, regardless of the position they occupy and the level of responsibility, the impact on colleagues, as well as on the general direction of higher education.
The teacher-leader is a professional with retained professional values and a well-defined sphere of activity. Teaching based on leadership aims at uncovering the potential of each student and actively engaging them in the educational process.References
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