
  • Z. D. Vorobets Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University
  • M. Ye. Kushynska Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University
  • O. Ya. Chupashko Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University



typhus, medical biology, regeneration, Michal Yefimov, Rudolf Weigl.


The aim of the work – investigation and reconstruction of the main stages of Michael Efimov’s life. He was the head of the Medical Biology Department (1946–1948) and a scientific researcher of the organs and tissues regeneration problems.

The main body. We made an integrated and retrospective research with involvement of archive materials, which remained in
scientific publications at that time. These archive materials enable to reproduce the pages of development of the department, its scientific direction from establishment and until today. This scientific message is significant addition to historical and medical past of the modern Ukraine. Rudolf Weigl was an organizer and the first head of Medical Biology Department at Lviv National Medical University. He was a humanist, patriot, scientist, who created the first in the world effective typhus vaccine. Michael Yefimov was the head of the
department from 1946 till 1948. In this article a data about Michael Yefimov were highlighted. Also in this article the results of his scientific researches about the solution of the problem of regeneration of organs and tissues are represented.

Conclusion. During the existence of the Medical Biology Department at Lviv National Medical University (from 1920 until today), its heads were outstanding scientists, who conduct multidimensional scientific researches and contributed into development not only Ukrainian, but into world medical biology.

Author Biography

Z. D. Vorobets, Danylo Halytskyі Lviv National Medical University



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How to Cite

Vorobets, Z. D., Kushynska, M. Y., & Chupashko, O. Y. (2018). SOME PAGES OF MEDICAL BIOLOGY HISTORY AT DANYLO HALYTSKYI LVIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. Medical Education, (4).



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