
  • T. M. Dmytryshyn Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University




dentistry interns, postgraduate education, employment, work place, full-time study cycle, continuous education.


The aim of the work – to establish in dentists, who have just become specialists, the level of employment, knowledge formation about the future place and mode of work, the level of practical training at the Department of Dentistry of postgraduate education and the types of continuous dental education.

The main body. According to the results of pedagogical monitoring (anonymous questionnaire) 141 intern doctors, who graduated from internship in 2017 on the basis of Educational Scientific Institute of Post-graduate Education Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, we’ve found that the overwhelming majority had a desire to work in their profession – 88.65 %. From 90.07 % to 93.62 % of doctors are knowledgeable about the arrangement of workplace, duties and organization of dentist workday.

A low level of employment of intern doctors at the time of graduation was noted – 59.57 % did not have a place to work and continued to seek. Studying at full–time internship cycle, 87.94 % on their own and with the help of teacher, conducted patient’s clinical admission. Dental practitioners are aware, that training for professionals in dentistry can’t stop after the end of internship program.

Conclusion. Our survey of dentists who have just graduated the internship, allows us forming an idea about some aspects of  dental postgraduate education functioning at its current stage, and will help to identify the parts in need to be reformed: employment, effective accessible forms of postgraduate continuing education.

Author Biography

T. M. Dmytryshyn, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

в.о. професора каведри стоматології ПО


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How to Cite

Dmytryshyn, T. M. (2018). ON THE WAY OF DENTISTS-INTERNS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: TRENDS, CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR THE FUTURE. Medical Education, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2017.4.8278



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