
  • A. A. Hudyma Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil



educational process, didactic methods and techniques, nurse, direct care.


The aim of the study – to study the role of the mid-level medical staff in the development of national health care system and to outline the main directions for improving and applying medical students training in the sphere of health care.

The main body. The modern vision on the development of nursing in Ukraine with the requirements that were dictated by society regarding the quality of medical services is outlined in the article. The expediency of wide introduction of simulation training in medicine as a component of preparation of high-quality medical personnel is shown.

The modern system of education has a number of traditionally established didactic methods and techniques, but in modern conditions they are not enough. The widespread introduction of high-tech medicine, in which new principles and rules of the diagnostic and therapeutic process arise, and this requires from specialist to have much wider range of knowledge and skills that erases the lines between the traditional division of responsibilities in the system of “nurse- paramedic-physician”.

Conclusion. In these circumstances, it should be remembered that work in the simulation training center requires additional knowledge and skills from the teacher, and to be very active during the class. Therefore, in a number of countries, the ratio of teachers’ teaching load in the simulation training center to routine teaching is 1:3.


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How to Cite

Hudyma, A. A. (2017). NURSING IN UKRAINE IN XXI CENTURY – VIEW OF A PROBLEM. Medical Education, (2).



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