Herbartianism, teaching practice, pedagogical thought, pedagogical movements.Abstract
The aim of the study – to evaluate the influence of Herbartian ideas on the educational theory and practice.
The main body. New approach to solving the problem of theory and practice of Herbartian pedagogy in German-speaking countries in the second half of ХІХ – ХХ centuries is represented in the article. The authors analyzed preconditions of education system reforming as well as assessed the Herbartians’ performance in the history of pedagogy. The differences between the views of J.F. Herbart and the Herbartians were determined. It is proved that the history of pedagogical thought of Western Europe has been represented by a wide variety of pedagogical movements and concepts.
Conclusion. Taking into account the peculiarities of such terms as moral and religious beliefs, pedagogical tact, cultural and historical education stages there was found that the Herbartians focused on the development of the child according to psychological laws and recommended to select mentally developing material, following the ideas of cultural and historical stages, and on this basis the Herbartians prepared and justified the new system of curriculum that was to some extent contradictory to the views of their teacher.References
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