
  • A. M. Hromova
  • N. I. Mitiunina
  • V. B. Martynenko
  • L. A. Nesterenko
  • T. Yu. Liakhovska



role-playing game, Obstetrics and Gynecology, the learning process, online training.


The aim of the study – to cover the role of role-playing games in professional skills formation and learning material on Obstetrics and Gynecology absorption, particularly during themes on Emergency study.

The main body. Role-playing game is a method in which, during the training, the participants, by taking on certain roles converting, act activele and reproduce in this clinical situation. Students in such circumstances reveal aspects of their medical hatitude, especially teamwork. The critically analyze mistakes, learn better ways to work and train to improve their skills with lecturer’s help. For the purpose of consolidation of learning students get during lectures, practical classes, individual work on theme “Postpartum Hemorrhage”, the role-playing game script is developed. Every game participant fulfill his commitments according to care delivery algorithm in the case of Postpartum Hemorrhage, commenting his actions, showing practical skills and giving theoretical answers.

Conclusion. The role-playing games use while learning allows to approach learning process to practice, take the realities into account, adopt solutions in terms of conflict situations, defend  proposal, develop sense of play and teamwork skills among participants, to get results for a very limited time.


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How to Cite

Hromova, A. M., Mitiunina, N. I., Martynenko, V. B., Nesterenko, L. A., & Liakhovska, T. Y. (2017). THE ROLE OF ROLE-PLAYING GAMES IN THE STUDY OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. Medical Education, (2).



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