
  • T. V. Boiko




license exam, Internal Medicine Department №3, “Krok-2” exam.


The aim of the study – to study the training 6th year students to license examination “Krok-2”.

The main body. The training 6th year students to license examination “Krok-2” must include individual work on the issue, discussion with lecturer and conducting extra tests according to specialized department profile. License exam “Krok-2” is a tool of independent evaluation of the specialists’ professional competency level. License exam conducting is one of the steps of restructuring educational system and it’s provided by modern educational technologies development, equal for all medical universities of the country. Implementation of this form of examination, firstly, contributes to the objectivity of knowledge assessment of future doctors.

Different methods of preparation to the “Krok-2” are used on the Internal medicine №3 department. Everyday students use a database of test questions according to the theme of the lesson, after that they discus theses thematic tests. Students must pass a test exam with the result more then 80%. In a case of negative result students should rework it according to the schedule. The number of attempts is unlimited.

Conclusion. The experience training 6th year students to license examination “Krok-2” showed the great interest among students and their knowledge level. High quality traning  of  medical  faculty graduates to state attestation requires generalisation of the obtained theoretical and clinical material measures, forming students practical knowledges and skills at every single step.


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How to Cite

Boiko, T. V. (2017). EXPERIENCE OF TRAINING 6th YEAR STUDENTS TO LICENSE EXAMINATION “KROK-2” AT THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE №3. Medical Education, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2017.2.7837



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