
  • T. O Pertseva
  • L. Yu. Naumenko
  • R. V. Razumnyi



medical education, foreign English-speaking students, innovative teaching technologies.


The aim of the study – to investigate the efficiency of combining the classical educational and methodical process of foreign students with English language learning and innovative technologies that are currently growing in terms of modernity in teaching of clinical disciplines.

The main body. The contingent of foreign English-speaking students, their success rate in clinical subjects, the level of practical skills, the acquisition of diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical skills are investigated. The results of development in educational process of modern simulation, computer and interactive technologies for mastering practical skills in clinical discipline teaching with English language education have been studied.

The results of the study indicate that to improve the training quality of foreign English-speaking students, it would be advisable to raise the standards for students from English-speaking contingent. When the student wants to enter on English form of education the foreign students who are native English speakers should be preferred; for applicants the criteria level to their knowledge we have to increase, the documents of previous education and the subjects for entrance exams. To improve the quality of practically-based education and mastering the practical skills with the patient our foreign students with English education try to collect complaints and even the basic elements of history on Ukrainian or Russian language and this happens from the middle till the senior courses, it would be very useful for independent work.

The results of modern simulation, and interactive computer technologies in educational process of foreign English-speaking students demonstrate the achievement of performance in these groups, increasing the speed of diagnostic manipulations and students’ practical skills, the increasing of self-esteem and self-confidence in showing these skills directly at the bedside of the patient. However, the results are better just after the classes, and at a remote quality control of skills.

Conclusion. The effective combination of classical educational and methodical process of foreign English language speaking students and innovative technologies help to achieve the ultimate aims, which were defined in educational programs for professionals.


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How to Cite

Pertseva, T. O., Naumenko, L. Y., & Razumnyi, R. V. (2017). THE WAYS TO IMPROVE TEACHING OF CLINICAL DISCIPLINES FOR ENGLISH-SPEAKING STUDENTS. Medical Education, (2).



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